Chapter Twelve, New Mornings in Gallows Manor

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Kid's PoV

I softly woke Maka up. She groaned and rolled over.
"Five more minutes," Maka mumbled.
"Cutie, wake up, come on," I said kissing her neck.
"Fine," she mumbled. She slowly turned over to face me, she kissed me.
"I'd wake up earlier if I could wake up to this Evert morning," I told her.
"But sleep," she mumbled between kisses.
"Kid, Maka, wake up!" Patti said, opening the door and walking in.
"Patti, knock next time!" I said covering myself with the blanket.
Maka grabbed my shirt, she turned around and buttoned it up. "Patti, do you and Liz have some underwear I can borrow? My underwear is at home," Maka said doing up the last button and turning around.
"Sure, but your breasts are more Liz's size, you can borrow her bra," Patti said cheerfully, "You can wear Kid's shirts."
"That's fine with me, she can always were my shirts, she looks good in them," I said.

Maka's PoV

I walked out of Kid's bedroom.
"Hey Patti, please don't tell anyone what you saw this morning," I whispered to the girl with short blonde hair.
"I can't tell my giraffe?" Patti asked.
"If he keeps his lips sealed, I guess," I said.
"Yay," Patti smiled.
We were walking down a hallway, I saw a door that said 'Liz's room, stay out' and a room on the opposite side that said, 'Patti's giraffe paradise', Patti took my hand and led me into the her room, she took me over to a set of draws, covered in giraffes. She opened a draw, and handed me a pair of black panties.
"We have to get your bra now," Patti said, giggling, ledding me out of her room, she knocked on her sisters door.
"Come in," Liz said, opening the door.
"Bra?" Patti asked her sister cheerfully.
"She'll probably want a skirt too, Patti," Liz laughed. Liz walked over to a set of black and red draws and after looking through them.she came over with a black skirt, black bra, stockings and handed them to me.
"You can use Kid's ties, shirts and jackets," Liz laughed, "He wouldn't mind, in fact you look good like that," Liz laughed again.
"Thank you," I said appreciating what I was given and the blushed at her complaint. I turned to go Kids room, down the other side of the hallway.

I walked into Kid's room, his hair was went.
"I set two shirts in the bathroom for you, there's a spare jacket or outer shirt on the bed for you," Kid said walking over to me, he kissed me, I smiled, "I'll have breakfast made for everyone when you come downstairs, be quick," he said kissing me again, I nodded and walked over the the bathroom door, "You can jde the hair dryer if you need," he yelled, I giggled and walked intkt he bathroom, I shut the door and sighed, I quickly showered, brushed my hair, dried my hair, got dressed quickly, I smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I looked good. I had to make a note to myself to give the sisters a treat, they were always so good to me, I found my shoes at the end of Kid's bed, on the floor. I grabbed them and put them on. I walked out of Kid's room went downstairs, I went into his kitchen, I smelt pancakes, porridge and berries.
I saw Kid, it looker like he was still cooking pancakes, I walked over to him quietly.
I wrapped my arms around him.
"Good morning," he said, I heard the snile in his voice.
"Morning to you too," I said leaning up to kiss his neck.
"Hey you two," I heard Soul.
"Hey Soul," I turned around and walked over to him. Patti and Liz were behind him.
"Son did you two sleep together?" Soul asked.
"Yes," Kid said.
I blushed. I couldn't help it.

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