chapter 1.

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Dedicated to @claudette--s


The day that I would get my results and get the hell out of here and be on my way to L.A to see my bestfriend.

I like school but not all these dicks and fake ass hoes who thinks the world revolves around them.

My name is Emily Florens. I have mid length wavy brown hair and poop brown eyes (I know she doesn't have brown eyes but lets not make her so perfect in this story okay). I'm not a nerd, I'm actually considered popular at school but you can't really trust anyone because everyone is fake.

Waiting for the final bell to ring my sigh sounds like a balloon that's running out of air. Just 5 more minutes.

Is it possible that 5 minutes could feel never ending. I sigh, putting my head on the desk and think about all the fun i'll have with Johnson this summer.

I call him Johnson because there's another Jack. Jack Gillinsky. It would be awkward to call Johnson by his name because Gilinsky would think I'm calling him and I fucking hate him.

He thinks the world revolves around him just like these fake ass people at my school. You know that feeling you get when you meet someone for the first time and you know that you're going to hate them?

Well that's the impression I got with Gilinsky. He makes me so mad and he knows it so he bugs me about it. I just hope Gilinsky wouldn't be there.

*ring* finally! I got to the front desk to receive my results and I was kind of nervous. My parents told me if I fail then I'm grounded. I opened the envelope and thank God I passed.

My bags were already packed so I'm heading straight to the airport after I greet my parents. I jogged home since it's only 2 blocks away and came running as fast as I could in the house almost tripping over my own feet.

"Woah be careful dear why are you in such a hurry" my dad asked.

"Sorry dad, gotta get to the airport" I manage to say breathless.

"Well your flight isn't until tonight, how's the results?" Mom said, coming out of nowhere.

I handed them the results and they were impressed which I was happy about.

Just a few more hours to go. I thought excitedly.

A/N: how did you like the first chapter?

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Also I don't really hate Jack, I actually love him.

Correct me if I made any mistakes


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