chapter 24.

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The boys announced there would be a movie night and since I was full of beach sand I made my way to the shower but not before grabbing my black crop top and a comfortable shorts. I washed my hair and then my body. When I was done I stepped out of the shower and dried my body (I didn't forget to lock the door this time) I then put my body and face cream on then got dressed. I blow dried then straightened my hair which doesn't take too long and I hate when my hair is dirty and looks like I just got Into a fight with the cat,and the cat won. I walked out and Gilinsky was already dressed since he used the bathroom down the hall. Everyone was down already and Cameron came out with popcorn and Carter handed me my medication while Grayson gave me a bottle of water.

"Thanks guys" I said and drank my medication. But the thing about my medication is it makes me drowsy and tired but I managed to stay awake for the first movie which was 'Me Before You' God i love this movie.

I laid my head on Jack's lap and fell asleep.


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