chapter 28.

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I woke up the next morning to the girls dragging me out of bed, forcing me to get dressed and saying they wanted to take me out for breakfast. I groaned since I was still very tired and I didn't even see Jack or the rest of the guys.

We had a girl's day and went shopping. The girls bought me a cute outfit as a birthday present and told me to wear it. I was a high waist jean short, a wavy off the shoulder light pink crop top and some cute sandals.

Somehow Selena bought her hair curler and dragged me into the girls bathroom of the mall to do my hair.

"Uhm what's happening."

"Shhhhh be quiet" I raised my hands in defeat and just went with it.

We made our way home and all the boys were outside except for Gilinsky. "Okay this has been the weirdest day of my life"

"We're just going to drive the girls home" Nash stated and shrugged.

"All of you?" I asked raising my eyebrow in confusion

"Yep. Bye." And with that they run off and I sighed. Walking up to the house. When I came inside my eyes light up like a little child who just saw Santa deliver her Christmas present.

The whole living room was a giant fort along with some DVD'S, The flat screen T.V, too many snacks to count and fairly lights everywhere and there stood Gilinsky taking my hands in his (fucking goals) and.. 

"Welcome to our first date" I smiled brightly and hugged him. We made our way to the tv and I we took a selfie.

"This is so romantic" I say looking at him. I leaned in and kissed him.

"Save some of that for later" he smirked.

After many movies, snacks and makeouts later Gilinsky asked me to be his girlfriend and I gladly agreed.

"Wait what about Nash" he asked.

"Oh uhm" I laughed awkwardly. "We were fake dating like you and Kylie" he nodded and smirked

"You wanted to make me jealous didn't you" he said pinching my cheeks and I just slapped his hand away and laughed.

This book is ending soon! 💔


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