chapter 17.

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We finally arrived at home and I couldn't be more happier. "So I unpacked your bag for you and the girls will be over for a sleepover tonight" Carter said and I hugged him. "Thank you. I was not looking forward to unpacking" he laughed and hugged me back. I ran upstairs and took out a pair of grey sweatpants and one of gilinsky's t-shirts and walked into the shower. I washed my hair with my coconut shampoo and conditioner and put some treatment on my hair. I washed my body and when I was done I washed the treatment out. I heard someone in the bathroom but I knew it was Gilinsky since I forgot to lock the bathroom door again.

I mentally slapped myself for forgetting a towel. I covered myself up with the shower curtain and peeked out to see Gilinsky brushing his teeth. When he was done he looked at me and smirked. "Forgot your towel?" He said and I sighed.

"Yeah" and laughed a little. He went out and came back with a towel in his hand and I reached out to grab it but he didn't let go. We just stared at each other the whole time and I continued pulling the towel along with him until we both were in the shower. I dropped the shower curtain but his eyes still continued staring into mine and he leaned in and kissed me.

A/N: ahhhhhhhh the feels 😍😢.


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