chapter 6.

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After that amazing day at the pool we headed back to our rooms. I know it's a little early to say this but I hope this summer never ends. I love it here with the boys.

I grabbed my sweat pants and my pink Jack and Jack hoodie, my towel and hair brush and headed to the shower. I jumped in the shower and the warm water immediately hit my back. I sigh, this was the life. I opened my strawberry shampoo and washed my hair while singing to any song that pops in my head.

"Nice voice" I hear in the distance making me scream. "Relax its just me" Thank goodness here's a shower curtain.

"Gilinsky what are you doing here get out!" I screamed. "First of all this is our bathroom which means it's mine too" I rolled my eyes "and if you didn't want me in here you should have locked the door" I sighed not really in the mood.

I wash the rest of my body and got out. I put on my hoodie and sweats and brush my hair and gave it a pretty side braid. I opened the door and Gilinsky was laying fast asleep on his bed. Was I in the bathroom for so long?

I decided to wake him up since he was still in his swim trunks. I leaned over his sleeping figure and shook him awake. Looks like I was a little too rough since he shot up and his head hit against mine.

"Ow. Moron" I hissed in pain. "Wha- Em? What the hell? Are you okay?" I rolled my eyes. "Peachy" I tried to get up but suddenly felt very dizzy almost falling but Gilinsky caught me.

He sat my down on his bed and sat next to me. "Sorry about your head" I shook my head. "It's my fault" I put my head in my hands. I suddenly got a really bad headache. Shit

He got up and came back with an ice pack and laid me down on his bed. "Here. Lay down. I'll give you some painkillers when I'm done okay?" I nodded.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I became sleepy. Whenever I swim it always tires me out.

I soon fell asleep.

What felt like a few minutes later someone shook me awake. "Here. Drink this, you'll feel better". I thanked him and drank some painkillers.

"Do you want to get up to lay on your bed?" I was too tired and just shook my head no. I felt gilinsky climbing in bed too so I just fell asleep again.

A/N: that was a crappy chapter so I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you in the next chapter. Hopefully.

P.S. ignore Johnson in the background of the image above 😂


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