chapter 2.

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After nagging about how excited I was my parents drove me to the airport early.

"Remember dear, take good care of yourself okay? And call if you need anything" my mom says for the 100th time.

"I know mom i'll be fine,really." I smiled resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

"Your flight is only in an hour. Are you sure you don't want us to stay with you?" There we go again.

"No i'll just walk around and get a coffee or something" both my parents nodded and with one last goodbye they headed back home.

"I went to the nearest coffee shop and ordered me some coffee" what? You thought I was joking about that coffee?

I checked the time and it reads 5:20 . My flight leaves at 6. I bought some magazines and read it while sipping my hot chocolate.

When my coffee was finished and I was done reading my magazine I checked the time again 5:50. Shit.

I sprinted so fast to the front desk, gave the lady my tickets and a security escorted me to the plane.

Before we took off I got a text from a number I don't recognise

Heard you're coming to visit for the summer. Can't wait to bug you mwuahhhahaha

I groaned. His so stupid. This was going to be a long ass summer.

I've been flying for 3 hours already and its getting late. I'll be there by tomorrow afternoon. I grabbed my duffel bag and took out my headphones. I shuffled my music which was mostly Jack and Jack songs. I hate to admit it but Gilinsky is a great singer. Soon I started drifting away to the song California.

I woke up the next day and had a awful pain in my neck. Great. I checked the time and it was 1:23pm, how long was I asleep. Well what can i say? I love my sleep. Soon the intercom went on and a young lady's voice filled the silence in the plane.

*beep* "good afternoon everyone. We are about to land so fasten your seatbelts and switch your phones off please. Thank you for flying with us. Welcome to L.A" I smiled for the last part. We took a bumpy landing and I scurried to get off. The hot sun immediately hitting my face. I got inside the building and while I was waiting for my bag I switched my phone on.

I checked the time. Might as well go get another coffee since Johnson won't be here for another 30 minutes. I was still so tired and I still had the pain in my neck. Halfway through my coffee I got a text.

Yo bisshh turn around .

When I turned around, there he was. My bestfriend that left me at that horrible school all by myself while he was touring the world and got loved by fans. I ran as fast as I could straight into his arms. I missed him so much. I didn't see him for 2 years (crazy, right?)

"Johnson, I missed you so much" I started tearing up. It's hard to leave your bestfriend for 2 years.
"Hey Em, I missed you too" he said hugging me tightly. I smiled. It's good to hear him call me by my nickname again.

"Lets go" I nodded and grabbed my coffee and handbag while Johnson grabbed my suitcases.

Outside a ton of fans were waiting for us but they won't hurt me or anything because they know who I am.

We took the exit at the side of the building and ran into johnson's black Range Rover. Oh how I loved his car.

"All the Magcon boys will be joining us this summer" I smiled. The boys always makes everything better

"Yeah I can't wait. I'm not looking forward to seeing Gilinsky though" I sighed.

"Well you two are just going to have to learn to get along" I sigh.

"We'll see"


A/N: I don't know what to put in the end and chapters always look weird without a author's note 😂😂.


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