chapter 20.

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I walked upstairs and since the boys were almost done cleaning I ran upstairs to change. I put on the grey sweatpants I was suppose to wear yesterday and my pink hoodie since I didn't want to wear gilinsky's t-shirt.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Gilinsky laying on his bed. I didnt make eye contact with him and just made up my bed and cleaned the room since it was a mess. I was about to walk out but he grabbed my arm.
"Em please talk to me.." I got out of his grip and walked closer to him. "Dont you dare call me that again. In fact don't call me at all" I said pointing at him. His eyes started to get watery and I left the room and made my way downstairs. I took out plates and I put their eggs and bacon; and pancakes separately and put everything on the table In front of the tv and put spongebob on.

When the theme song came on Cameron was the first one to run and squeal like a girl. "Yayy spongebob" everyone else came to sit at the table and dig into their food.

"Ahhh my head" Johnson said putting his head in his hands. I went to the kitchen and got a few water bottles and aspirin for everyone and they thanked me. Gilinsky was sitting on the couch opposite me and I didn't make eye contact whatsoever.

"But guys did you see Emily yesterday? She just went upstairs to get her phone and somehow something triggered her to come downstairs and drink. She was the champion at last night's drinking game too. Do you know how drunk you were?" Hayes said while laughing and I laughed along.

We finished out breakfast and everyone went their separate ways while me and Cameron watched a spongebob marathon.

"Cam, give me some ice cream" I said while laughing. "Nah ah get your own" I sighed and made my way to the fridge to get my own tub of ice cream and bumped into someone on the way out. Gilinsky pushed me up against the wall and inched close to my face.

"She forced herself onto me okay, I didn't want to but she wouldn't leave me alone." He said and with that he made his way out of the kitchen.


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