Chapter Fourteen

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~Third person POV~

"Jack. Jack, wake up."

Mark carefully shook Jack's shoulder while whispering his name. After a few more attempts, Jack groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Mark chuckled and he gave Jack a kiss on his forehead. "Are you Ok?"

"Good morning, and yes, I'm better than yesterday. But only thanks to you." Jack smiled shyly. "Your hugs are like magic, I just can't be sad when you hug me. It feels like home, but without walls, windows or a door."

"That's good to hear, Angel. I'm glad I could help." Mark smiled at Jack lovingly. "You can always help me." Jack yawned while Mark adjusted his shirt. "I guess you have to go now." Mark nodded in response. "Yeah, it's a long drive. But Ken will be here shortly." Mark paused for a moment. "Darling, please don't get in trouble while I'm gone."

"I won't, Mark. Don't worry." Jack smiled. "Alright, I trust you." Mark chuckled "I should get going now, I'll be back in the evening. I love you." He gave Jack a kiss on his lips. "I love you too." Jack said while he layed back down on the bed.

He stared at the ceiling while he heard the door close. He smiled and thought about Mark.

If it wasn't for him, he would've been long gone.


Mark was driving on the highway for twenty minutes now.

He thought about some things, it was not like he had to make an unexpected turn anytime soon.

He thought back to Jack's breakdown. His heart sunk, the poor guy had something like both a breakdown and a panick attack at once. Mark thought at the things Jack had said. But he also mumbled a lot of things. Mark thought that he heard only half of what Jack had said. But he remembered that Jack had talked about Felix.

But what about Felix? What was it again?

Mark groaned. He couldn't remember exactly. He could only remember that he didn't want to bother Jack with questions about Felix while he was having a breakdown. And after Jack calmed down, he forgot to ask. "I'm so stupid." Mark mumbled to himself.

After a few minutes, he regained his thoughts. "Ok Mark, focus. What DO I know? Jack said something about Felix getting shot. Does he think it's his fault? Why would he think that?" Mark sighed. "I'll check that out later.

But if he really blames himself, that means that Felix was with him when they were robbing that bank. So that must mean that Felix is a part of his team. And Cry probably too, because he seems to be with Felix 24/7. Like a leader who failed a part of his team? I don't know." Mark sighed again and slammed his fist on the steering wheel. "Those sons of bitches have been hiding this from me for how long? One and a half month by now? Just great." He let out an irritated groan.

"Stop it! I can't get mad now, it's not going to help me with anything. I need to ask Cry about this. I think that he won't lie to me when I tell him what I've just figured out." Mark continued driving for a few minutes.

"But I can't let Jack find out that I know. It may trigger memories and I don't want him to have another breakdown. Or it may be that he won't tell me anything ever again, which also isn't good. Because he might think that I'll tell on him and his group or something." Mark sighed again. "No, he can't know. I don't want to lose him." He focused on the road once again.

"It seems like I have to figure this out on my own. Without my best friend and partner."


Mark walked through the empty halls, trying to find the right room. It was awfully silent while he looked around.

Then he saw an open door, with the right number next to it. He was careful to walk towards the door silently. He leaned on the doorframe and listened. He heard crying.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I've failed you and your life is in danger because of it. I should've been a better leader. I should've been a better friend." A sniffle was heard.

"I shouldn't have run away. I don't know why I was afraid. I just didn't know how to react. I should've kissed you back, and told you my feelings. But I was a coward and ran away.

You don't know how guilty I felt when I came back, soaked from the rain, and saw you sleeping on the couch. Your face was tearstained and I smiled down at you. I kissed your forehead, hoping that you wouldn't be too mad when you'd wake up.

But you weren't mad. And I wasn't either. It seemed like we were both just a little heartbroken.

But now you're laying here, and I feel even more guilty then I did back then.

I don't know why something bad had to happen to you, before I had the guts to tell you how I feel. I'm stupid, I'm a coward. I'm so sorry Felix.

But for the love of God, please.. Please don't be in a coma." Cry finally stopped speaking and he broke down. Mark could hear his sobs and was shocked about what Cry had said.

Mark walked into the room slowly. He reached Cry and layed a hand on the crying man's shoulder. Cry jumped at the contact before looking up. "It's Ok Cry, it's just me. And I'm here for you."

Cry launched at Mark and continued crying, while Mark embraced his small and shaking body.

*Leaves for like 1,5 weeks and comes back while dropping another shit-ton of feels.* Don't mind me! But I am sorry for the delay though!

And now you know what happened after Felix kissed Cry, and what Mark thought about the things Jack had said. But more on this will come soon!

Alsoo.. End of Chapter Fourteen!

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