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Ryan and Tony

Chapter Two

Raegan Scott

Getting off the metro bus with Nadia, Desiree, Brit, and Myko I was more to myself as they discussed whatever happened at school today among themselves

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Getting off the metro bus with Nadia, Desiree, Brit, and Myko I was more to myself as they discussed whatever happened at school today among themselves. I hadn't said much of anything the whole day and I'm sure they were itching to know what had me so quiet. The truth was seeing Antonio at my house the other day had me shook. The fact that he was cool with Ryan and playing it off like he didn't recognize me from that night had me stuck. It made me question his intent. Truth is I was scared as hell and he was too close for comfort.

"Damn bitch why you acting so standoffish today? Usually you spilling all the tea." Myko who went by her nickname Lilo asked as she trailed back from the group to see what was up with me.

Biting at my lip I shrugged while looking around the neighborhood. Houses were barely standing and baser's walked the streets pushing their cart of stolen items. Dope boys lingered the corners and outside the local corner store while kids yelled and screamed at the nearby park.

"Buy the bitch a coke and I bet she'll be talking again." Desire yelled from in front of us causing me to smirk and flick her off.

"Imma get her some of that good dick Ryan got flying in and out of they house that she acting blind to." Nadia said being her usual messy self.

"Uh uh who got good dick flying and why I ain't get the memo?" Brit asked as we crossed the street to chill at the park.

Taking a seat on the empty swing I kicked my feet back and forth forcing myself to go higher. I already knew Nadia was giving the others the run down on every nigga Ryan had at the house over the weekend.

"Girl all the niggas from the block was there. Dray with the red Cadillac, Brandon fine ass, Trish baby daddy Carlos, Kyran brother Mike who beat that murder case, some fine nigga from New Orleans that Ryan been hiding from us. I cant even remember the boy name. Whats his name best friend? The tall one with that Nola accent that had you stuttering and scared to leave the room." Nadia said pretending like she didn't know his name.

"What fine Louisiana man Ryan got down here making my friend loose her voice?" Brit joked.

"Nobody Nadia just being messy and instigating as usual." I said cutting my eyes at Nadia for her to shut the fuck up.

"Wait why we aint get invited to fine nigga central?" Lilo asked shaking her head in disappointment.

Seeing Ryan's black 2015 Buick Lacrosse with elbows on it pull up alongside the curb I jumped down from the swing thankful that he showed up when he did.

"Oop daddy fresh off the block looking like a snack." Nadia joked sticking out her tongue as I rolled my eyes.

"Girl that's a entree." Desiree chimed in as they all laughed.

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