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Okay this the first part and the second part coming later tonight...thats the part with the drama

Chapter 21:


Turning over in my sleep to get comfortable I tried to fight the urge I had to pee. Since it wasn't going away I threw a mini tantrum as I finally opened my eyes. Looking around Tony's room that I'd grew familiar with in the recent days I tried to adjust my eyes.

It seemed to still be early and as I expected Tony wasn't home yet. He usually left after I fell asleep and came back before I woke up. I didn't want him to leave but he had to make his money and I respected that.

Finally getting up I headed toward the restroom to relieve myself.

After everything that happened I hadn't been home. Ryan didn't call me and I didn't call him. I think we'd both crossed the line but had too much pride to admit we were wrong.

When I was done in the restroom I curled back up in Tony's bed. Grabbing my phone I saw I had a message from Ryan causing my stomach to churn. I couldn't even guess what he'd said to me so I braced myself before opening it.

LilBigBrother🖤: come get yo shit from my house

Scoffing at his message I chuckled a little at how childish he was. Instead of responding with how I really felt I left him on read and texted Tony.

-where are you? 😫

Laying back after I sent the message I heard the locks on the front door turning so I knew he was home. Instead of meeting him at the door I stayed laying down.

He was coming from out on the corner so I knew he was going to bathe before he did anything else. Leaving him to that I stayed quiet until he was out the restroom.

Laying there I must've dozed back off until I I heard the bathroom door open and the smell of his soap filled the room.

Opening my eyes I watched him walk around the room with his black towel wrapped around his waist.

"Morning." I said groggily.

"Good mornin' love. Why you up so early you gotta go to school ta'day?"

I did have to go to school but not until noon.

"I do but not until later so I can pick up my cap and gown.

Nodding he indicated he understood as he grabbed clothes to put on. I kept watching him and he didn't pay me any mind as he dropped his towel to put on his boxers.

Clearing my throat I looked up at the ceiling to give him some privacy. "Ryan putting me out."

"Why you say dat?"

"Because he texted me saying to come get my shit from his house." I said with a chuckle.

"He ain't puttin' you out. Jus' need an excuse ta' get you home. Dis da' longest y'all eva' went without talkin' right? Yea he jus' want you back home. You should go tho'." Tony said sitting on the bed once he was dressed comfortably.

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