Chapter Eight

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Jongin and I rode in comfortable silence to this small restaurant a couple miles outside of town. It was nice to leave campus and go out after Jongin and I had stayed inside all day the day before.

"So, your session went well?" Jongin asked me as he sipped his soda.

"Yeah. I felt really calm with her, so it was easy to talk to her."

"That's good. Did you talk about the Nalani situation?"

"We did. I told her when it started and she gave me a solution."

"You never told me why you don't seem to be fond of her, as of late."

"It's a long story." "I'm all ears." Jongin said with a small smile.

I tell Jongin about how the day I was going home for break and I overheard Nalani and Kris talking and how they both called me a brat just because I didn't want to ruin her weekend and wouldn't have her come back to our apartment, so my mom could pick me up without a hassle.

Jongin wasn't all that happy about what I had told him. "How could she say something like that?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I said quietly.

"And Kris? God, he's such an asshole." He growled.

"No one else knows, except you and Jackson. As well as Dr. Kurley."

"What did she say about it? You know to solve the situation at hand?" Jongin asked as he ran a hand through his hair.

"She told me, when I'm ready, I should say something."

"That's just messed up that she said something like that. You should tell Alice."

"I don't want her to pick sides. I don't know what else to do."

"We'll figure something out. Are you okay?" He said as he took my hand.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just going to avoid her now, but when dance practice starts up, I'll have to be around her when I really don't want to be." I said as I twirled my straw in my cup.

"Geez. Some friend, you have." Jongin said as he sipped his soda. "You talked about me during your session too, right?"

"Yeah." I said without really meeting his eyes.

"What did you talk about?"

"Things." "Like what?"

"She just asked me who you were and I said you were my boyfriend. Then she asked how long we'd been together and whatnot."

"Oh." He said a little disappointed.

"She asked if I loved you, and I do." I said quietly while blushing.

"I love you too." Jongin said with a smile. We finish our lunch in peace and we head back to campus. Jongin had another class and he said he'd see me later. I went back to my apartment. When I got there, I see Kris sitting on the couch.

"Hey Tiana,"

"Hey Kris. Is Nalani picking up some stuff?"


"Um, I don't know if I told you this, but congrats. To you and Nalani, I mean. You guys make a nice couple." I said honestly.

Kris looked taken back and smiled a small smile. "Thank you, Tiana. Thanks for being apart of something special."

I nod my head and walk to my room. As I'm walking in, Nalani comes out.

"Hey Tiana," She said with a smile.

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