Two: Family Feud

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Theodosia cried out as her father yanked her away from Philip, putting pressure on her foot. "Theo, are you okay? Was he trying to assault you, that little..." He ran off a string of curse words, glaring back at Philip. Burr held her shoulders, looking angry and worried at the same time.

"I'm fine. He stepped on my foot, that's all. It was an accident." Theodosia reassured. She turned around, and was greeted by Hamilton, who looked like he was going to kill either her or Burr. 

"Stay away from my son!" He yelled, and stormed over to her father, calling him every bad name he could think of, raising his voice louder with each insult. Tears welled up in her eyes when he ran off about her, calling her things Theodosia wouldn't dare repeat.

"If your daughter ever goes near Philip again, I'll see to it that she doesn't see the light of day, she'll..." Theo ran out of the ballroom before she could hear the end of his sentence.


Stumbling into the cold air, Theodosia quickly limped to a bench and sat down, tears streaming down her face. Why did you ever come? You're such an idiot. Theodosia cried silently, feeling snowflakes grazing her cheeks. Tears blurred her vision as she put her head in her hands.

"Mind if I sit?" Theo looked up. Philip stood by her, snow falling into his curly hair. 

"Sure,  I've got nothing else to lose," Theodosia said softly, wiping tears away.

Philip sat down next to her, taking her hand. "Theodosia, I had no idea, I-" he stopped, glancing around. They were alone. "This is probably the worst time to say this, but..." He paused, clearly nervous. "I love you. I know it's fast, but I fell for you, quite literally, ever since I saw you." Philip's cheeks were bright red. "I-I'm sorry. You probably don't feel the same way," he frowned, his face falling.

Theodosia stared at him for a moment, her eyes wide. Is this actually happening? Her heart was racing, and her mind was buzzing. 

Before either of them could get a second word in, Theo put her hands on the side of Philip's face, and pressed her lips against his.

Philip wasn't expecting Theodosia to kiss her, but he wasn't upset. He kissed back, putting his hands on her cheeks. His cheeks blossomed red as he ran his fingers through her hair.

An unknown force pulled the collar of Philip's shirt backwards and he gasped as he was pulled backwards towards the Schuyler Mansion. He whipped around, and saw his dad clutching the back of his shirt. Hamilton growled, tugging Philip so Theodosia was out of earshot. 

"Philip Hamilton, what did I tell you about that girl? She's a Burr, she's going to be the death of you!" Hamilton whispered harshly, his voice full of fury.

Philip rolled his eyes. "Dad, that's hardly reasonable. She isn't going to kill me. Theodosia is really sweet, and-" He saw the look on his dad's face, and stopped. Maybe if I just play along he'll let me off easy, Philip thought. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll just avoid her and find someone else. There's plenty of other people. Besides, she's not even that pretty," he shrugged, secretly hoping Hamilton couldn't see through him.

"There you go, now you're talking!" he nodded, patting Philip on the back. "Anyways, we're going to leave in a little bit, so say goodbye to your aunts." He smiled, and went back inside.

Philip sighed softly, and followed his father back into the ballroom. Before he went in, he turned around to see if Theodosia was nearby. Theodosia was nearby all right, standing close to where he was talking with Hamilton. There were tears in her eyes, and her fists were balled up.

Standing in the doorway for a moment, Philip stared at her before it hit him. "Theo, I-" he went over to her.

Tears running down Theodosia's cheeks, she limped quickly away into the dark, her muffled sobs slowly getting softer.

Philip stood silent, hoping that he hadn't just ruined the only chance he ever had with her.

Too late.

It kills me to write this, but hopefully (hopefully) it will get better.

Hope you enjoyed!

< Jella >

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