Twenty Nine: Timing

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The newly reformed couple was released from the hospital in early spring after two strenuous months. Their relationship kept getting better every day, and the two were both at peace with where they were.

That's how it seemed to Theodosia, at least.


The young woman poked her head into their bedroom. "Philip?"

He looked up from the looseleaf journal in his lap. "Theodosia?" he replied in the same tone, earning a giggle from his girlfriend.

Theo sat on the bed next to him and took his hand, squeezing it affectionately. "Are you feeling well today?" 

Nodding, Philip smiled and set the book down on the nightstand. "Yes. Though I think it's from finally being with you." She blushed and smiled in return.

"Why don't we go out tonight? We haven't been on a proper date in ages," she suggested, hope in her eyes.

Philip's face flushed as he felt his heartbeat quicken, but he kept a pleasant expression on his face. "That would be nice. When do you want to go?"l

"This evening?"

He nodded, breathing a sigh of relief. "Great."

Theodosia kissed his cheek, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Why don't you come out of the bedroom for a while? You've been in here all day with the curtains drawn," she said, hinting her concern towards his well being. Once they came home from the hospital, Theo had always been hesitant to leave him alone for long.

"I'll be out in a moment love. I promise," he reassured. "I just need to finish writing this down."

She nodded. "Is it another poem?"

"Of sorts."

"Will you read it to me when it's finished?"

"Of course."

Theo kissed his cheek again and left him to his 'poem.'


The sun was low in the sky, casting shadows into the carriage as it bumped along towards a restaurant across the city. Theodosia was staring contently out the window, her dark eyes following the city skyline. 

On the other hand, Philip was constantly fidgeting and shifting, unable to focus on anything but the velvet box in his pocket. It felt like a weight, constantly plaguing his thoughts.

Just one normal night, he thought. That's all I need before I can ask.

Hey everyone! I am not very good with updates, and that has become apparent. I will be publishing shorter chapters, but that means I will be able to update more frequently!

Thanks for reading!

< Jella >

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