Twenty: Replacement

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Madelyn opened the door and was immediately picked up and hugged tightly. Philip held her close, closing his eyes. "Madelyn," he mumbled, a tear slipping down his cheek.

"Yes?" Her voice was breathy and higher than usual.

He hesitantly spoke again. "Will-will you be my girlfriend?" 

"I thought you'd never ask," she smiled, kissing him deeply.

Philip hugged her tightly again, but the hole in his heart only seemed to grow. "Theo," he whispered, another tear skimming his face. 

"What was that?" Madelyn pulled away, arms still around his waist.



"Theodosia!" Burr gripped her shoulders, close to tears. 

She opened her eyes, but they rolled back into her head as she began to violently convulse. "Theodosia, can you hear me?" 

Shaking his head, he stood up, holding her tightly in his arms. Burr dashed to his home as soon as he could and ran up the stairs, not bothering to shut the front door. Laying her down in her bedroom, Theodosia began shaking more violently, tensing up occasionally. Burr held her limp hand in his, kissing the back of her palm. "I am here," he said softly, tears welling in his eyes . "I'm proud of you Theodosia. Your mother, she would be too." He tried to wipe away the steady flow of tears coating his cheeks. "Go to sleep. I'll be here when you awake." 

She loosened and uncurled, stretching her body out. Burr looked down, eyes going straight to her bruised ankles and feet. His face hardened, becoming angry. "Whoever has done this to you, they will never hurt you again."


"Why don't we go out to celebrate? You know, have a little fun outside of the house for once," Madelyn suggested, looking hopefully at him.

"I don't know Madi," he said nervously, guilt washing through him like a tsunami. 

She stuck out her bottom lip, eyes wide. "Please? For me?"

Philip smiled halfheartedly, intertwining his hand with hers. "You know I can't say no to you, much less to that face." Lifting her chin with his finger, he nodded. "We can go."

She instantly smiled again and stood up, her fingers slipping out of his gentle grip. Going into her bedroom, shutting the door.

He closed his eyes, resting his head in his hands. After ten minutes of waiting, he grew impatient. "Theodosia, what's taking so long?" Eyes widening, he realized what he said. 

"What'd you say?" Madelyn came out, half dressed. 

"Nothing. Nothing, Madi," he stuttered.

She shot him a confused look and went back into her room. Another thirty minutes later, she finally finished getting ready and came out. Adjusting the corset on her low cut lavender dress, she grinned when she saw his stunned face. "Ya like it handsome?" She twirled slightly.

(*Lemony Snicket voice*) What Madelyn hadn't known was she confused stun with shock. In that moment, Philip knew he'd made a mistake. In that moment, Philip realized how he missed the playful banter, the caring glances, the walks in the park. How he missed her smile, her warm green eyes, the way she looked when she was worried about him. In that single moment, he was hit with a momentous amount of guilt. Madelyn wasn't Theodosia, and it had taken all this time to realize it. 

How am I supposed to tell her now?

"Let's get going." Her voice yanked him back to reality. Nodding numbly, Philip stood up. Though he didn't offer his arm, Madelyn took it anyways, giving him an innocent smile.

The smile he returned wasn't genuine, and he knew they never were.

And So They Move Uptown: A Theodosia/Philip StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant