Five: Teach Her How To Say Goodbye

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Every day since their meeting, Theodosia and Philip met in the alleyway by the church. Theo found out that her foot had turned from a minor sprain into a fracture, caused by the hard landing from her window. Theodosia was not fazed by this, and found other means of escape. The biggest problem was she couldn't let her foot heal in case her father saw the wrappings.

Two weeks later, Theodosia made her usual outing at twilight. There was a chill in the air, one not quite like the usual bitter frost. Pushing her uneasiness away, she pulled the hood of her cloak over her head and limped carefully through the alleyway.

Philip stood in the alleyway with a lantern, watching the flame flicker in the wind. Just pretend everything's fine, and get the goodbye over with. Theodosia approached, and he smiled nervously. "Hi Theo," he said, taking her hand.

"Hi," she smiled, the wind blowing her curls out from underneath her hood.

They both stood for a moment, studying each other. Philip's eyes fell on Theodosia's lips, and his thoughts turned to what he faced. Don't tell her.

"What's wrong?" Theo asked, frowning with concern.

"Nothing. I'm fine," he lied. Don't tell her.

"Philip, what's wrong? You look terrified," she said worriedly, squeezing his cold hand.

Don't tell her. Philip sighed. "Okay, but don't freak out."

"I won't," Theo reassured, and signaled for him to continue.

"I'm going to a duel at dawn. I came to say goodbye," he said quietly.

Theodosia stood for a moment in shock, her hand falling limp from Philip's grasp. "Where is this happening?"

"Across the river in New Jersey," he looked off into the distance, too distracted to notice the tears steadily coming from her eyes.

"Why? Why do you have to go?" she choked out, wiping her eyes.

"George Eacker publicly trashed my father's legacy. I want to make him proud," he said, turning to her. He looked, almost excited, like a soldier going to a battle he knew he was going to win.

"At what cost? Philip, you're willing to die for his legacy. Please don't go," she pleaded, and stopped, tears streaming down her cheeks harder. "If you wanted to make your father proud, why did you choose me?" she whispered, pulling her hand from his grip.

"Theodosia, I-" he frantically tried to think of the reason he chose her. Why? Why? Why?

Was it her hair?

The way she lit up whenever she saw him?

How her eyes sparkled when she spoke?

Philip looked up, watching the sun rise. "I have to go. I'm sorry," he kissed her forehead and handed her his lantern. "I'll be back before you know I'm gone," he quickly hugged Theodosia, and ran down the deserted street.

Theo watched him run out of sight, and followed him, praying that he would stay alive.


Philip walked onto the barren dueling grown, surrounded by George Eacker and his men.

"Look who it is! Philip Hamilton, the poet! Did you and your daddy write me a sonnet?" he teased, his friends snorting with laughter.

"Shut up," Philip muttered. 

"What, can't think of any good comebacks?" he taunted, his crowd of idiots chuckling again.

"Can we just get this over with? I kind of have someone I need to see," he rolled his eyes, grabbing a pistol. 

"You got a lady you're waiting to come crawling back?" he mock cried. 

"Shut up, or I'll shoot you in the mouth, right here," he yelled. George didn't know about but Theodosia, but he had struck a nerve nonetheless.

George grunted, and grabbed his gun. "Fine, whatever you wish your Majesty," he muttered.

Philip gritted his teeth, and turned around, facing the crowd. A feminine face stood out from the packs of college students, but his mind was blank, focused on the task ahead.

One. Aim for the sky, you'll be fine.

Two. Philip angled his gun up slightly.

Three. He gazed into the crowd of onlookers, examining each face.

Four. Was that- Theo?

Five. He looked sadly at her, pulling his gun at eye level.

Six. Stay alive for Theodosia.

Seven. BANG!

White fire pulsed through Philip's side, and he fell to the ground, his face contorting with pain.

"Philip!" he heard a scream, and his vision blurred with tears. I'm sorry Theodosia.

Philip's vision clouded, and everything faded to black.


Theodosia pushed through the crowd of men and rushed over to Philip. Please don't go, please don't go.

"Oh look, it's Philip's arm candy!" George called out, leisurely strolling towards the pair.

Theo glared at him, tears coating her cheeks. She turned back at Philip, noticing the red spot on his shirt grow. She sobbed harder, burying her face in his chest.

George grabbed Theodosia's wrist, yanking her towards him. He pressed her up against him, whispering in her ear. "Now that he's out of the way, you're all mine," he put his hands on her waist, leaning in to kiss her.

Out of rage and fear, she quickly socked him in the face, shoving him into the dirt. Quickly running back to Philip, she followed the doctor as he carried him towards the hospital.

"Is he going to survive?" Theo stared down at Philip's unconscious being. 

"I'm not sure. The bullet is lodged deep. We'll do our best," the doctor took him away.

Standing alone, Theodosia gripped her arms, watching the people leave. They laughed and chattered as if nothing had happened. She stood alone on the barren dueling ground.

"Philip, please. Stay alive."

This chapter was SO HARD to write. I couldn't think of how to write this so it was more of an interlude to 'Stay Alive (Reprise'. I'll update soon if I can catch up with other things.

Hope you enjoyed,

< Jella >

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