Eight: Escapes and Explanations

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to liventhelife14 because she said to update it or else... 😉

Philip ran out of the hospital, the cold hitting him like a ton of bricks. Maria followed soon after, her dress billowing behind her. The wind blinded him, but he forced himself to move forward. The Burr's estate was only a few blocks away, and he had to see Theodosia. The only thing he could think as he pushed against the wind was I have to see Theo. I have to see Theo.

Meanwhile, (DON'T YOU DARE) Theodosia lay on her bed, her thoughts a jumbled mess. Somehow, her mind was blank, tears were unable to form, as if she were in shock. The wind howled through the open window, sending chills down her spine.

The only sound for the longest time was the steady howling of the wind. The shadows on the wall grew, and soon Theo was shrouded in darkness, the only light coming from the street lamp outside her window. 

Philip stood in front of the mansion, Maria close behind. He looked around, trying to find a way inside. His eyes fell on the open window, and he grabbed the vines growing along the wall, and began to hoist himself up. The window wasn't very far up, but it seemed to get farther away the more he climbed.

Theodosia sat silently, not moving in the dark room. The silence was broken by a pained groan, which made her jump. She didn't dare turn to the window out of fear, and buried her face in her hands, praying it was just an intoxicated college student on his way home.

The pained groaning seemed to get louder, and she felt a presence in the room with her. A single tear travelled down her cheek as she shook. "Please, don't hurt me..." she whispered, trying to hold back more tears.

Philip climbed over the windowsill and stood in the shadowy room. He saw a figure, seemingly Theodosia, sitting on the bed shaking.

A flash of pain shot through his side, and he grunted, bending over to hopefully subside the pain. "Theodosia," he choked out, and he heard her whimper.

Slowly, she turned around to face the very thing that was terrifying her. A shadowy figure, looking like a man in stature, towered over her. She held back a sob, watching the man slowly hobble forward, groaning slightly.

Once the pain had subsided, Philip quickly went towards Theodosia, and picked her up bridal style and took her over to the window, the lanterns illuminating their faces.

"Philip?" She cried out, and instantly began to struggle. She screamed, fearing the worst of him.

Philip put his hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming again, and jumped through the window with her in his arms. He let out a groan as they both landed hard on the cold ground, causing immense pain in his abdomen.

Theodosia stood up quickly, and backed away from Philip, her face soaked with salty tears. "Wh-what are you doing?"

He slowly stood up, his abdomen still filled with pain. He went over to her, and she immediately backed away, bumping into Maria. "Theodosia, just listen to me. I know you're probably wishing I was dead right about now, but we need to explain something to you," he said quietly, gesturing to Maria.

Maria nodded. "Philip has been in contact with me to, well..." she turned to Philip.

"To get an apartment. Uptown," he smiled slightly. "If we move uptown, we don't have to hide. We can be together without our parents fighting, and-" he looked at Theodosia, and his face fell. "Theo, I promise you, I never cheated on you. I would never love anyone else but you, and I never will love anyone else," he stopped, pleading forgiveness. 

Theodosia's eyes softened. "I love you, but-. This just seems so sudden, and what will I tell my father? I can't fake my death, and he'll never stop searching if I go missing," she went over to Philip, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Tell him you're studying at a university. Stay with me for one month, then visit him for a week," he said softly, putting his arms around her waist.

They sat in silence for a moment, wrapped in each other's embrace.

"Are you in?" Philip whispered into Theodosia's hair.


I loved writing the part where he was climbing through the window. It was really funny to imagine. It's 12:30 as I'm typing this, so I'm really tired. Also, 100 reads?!?!?! That's amazing, I'm so excited!

Hope you enjoyed,

< Jella >

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