Twenty Two- Flashback (Sept Huit Neuf)

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There's nothing like summer in the city. 

"Alexander?" Eliza knocked on the door to her husband's study. He grunted in response, not bothering to speak. 

Opening the door, she walked closer to him. "Dinner's ready." She put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll be down in a minute," he muttered, writing frantically.

"It's Philip's birthday Alexander." 

He nodded. "I'm aware."

"He wants to show you something." Eliza kissed his forehead, her swollen stomach pressing against his back. She was five months along, growing more excited by the day.

"I'll be down in a minute!"


He sighed and set down his pen in defeat. "Fine, I'm coming." Standing up, Alexander let Eliza lead him downstairs and into the dining room.


Philip sat in one of the plush chairs, nervously playing with a scrap of parchment in his hands. Angelica, his younger sister, sat across the table, sticking her fingers in her mouth. "Philip, are you ready to show your father?" He nodded and jumped out of the chair, standing in front of Alexander. Eliza nodded encouragingly.

"My name is Philip, I am a poet

I wrote this poem just to show it

And I just turned nine 

You can write rhymes but you can't write mine!"

His father was in shock, grinning. 

"I practice French and play piano with my mother

I have a sister but I want a little brother!

My daddy's tryna' start America's bank!

Un deux trois quatre cinq!"

Alexander stood up, applauding. "Bravo!" 

Hugging him, Philip gave him and Eliza a toothy grin before sitting back down. Angie squealed before filling her mouth with food.


"Alexander?" Eliza climbed into bed next to him.

"Yes?" He glanced up from his book.

"My father has invited us upstate for the summer, along with my sister and her children."

He continued reading. "What of it?"

"I think it'd be good for the children if we went. They'd get to see Angelica and Catharine, and Richard. It's been so long since I've seen my dear sister, and-" Eliza looked over at him. "What do you think?"

"I hope you enjoy your time away my dear."

Frowning, she held the side of his face. "You're not coming?"

"Elizabeth, I have to get my debt plan through. You know that."


Philip poked his head in. "Mama?"

"Yes?" She sat up, patting the end of the bed for him to sit.

"When's the new baby gonna come?" 

Eliza smiled, pushing his curly hair out of his face. "He'll be here very soon."

Philip's eyes widened. "He? I'm gonna have a brother?"

Laughing, she nodded. 

He kissed her cheek and hugged her tightly. "Thank you mama. It's just what I wanted."

While I was trying to figure out the next chapter, I decided I'd update with another flashback to keep everyone interested. 

Hope you like it!

< Jella >

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