Twenty Eight: Reconciliation

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You don't always appreciate your life until it's almost gone.

Colors blurred together in clumps slowly turned into Philip's bedroom. The nearest one shifted in and out of focus until it formed Theodosia.

If he said in that moment he was unsurprised to see her there, he would have been lying.

She smiled at him. "Glad to see you awake." Theodosia kept her distance, unsure of how he would react to seeing her there.

Philip grinned wide and hugged her tightly, forcing a giggle out of her lips. "Glad to see you again."

"You really are?" She smiled and gently returned the favor. 

"I mean- I haven't seen you for ages, and-" He immediately stopped when he realized where the conversation was leading.

They sat in silence for a while, looking at each other and looking away.

"Theo, I... I'm sorry. I didn't realize how much I missed, or needed you, until you were gone. I understand how it feels. It hurts. Worse than I imagined." Tears welled in his hazel eyes. "I'm sorry."

Her face was already stained with tears when she hugged him again. "I'm sorry, Philip. I'm so sorry," she whimpered.


Sorry I have been so inactive, I had way bad writers block with this chapter. I also wanted to move my other story, Shy, forward, so that became my main focus for awhile.

I am back and I am doing my best to keep updating!

I am in serious need of some headcanons/fluff for the next chapters. I will give you creds, of course! I'd seriously appreciate some feedback and suggestions.

< Jella >

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