Dating the bad girl (Chapter 20)

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Chapter 19

Daniella P.O.V

I pulled my coat over my ballet costume and zipped it up. I took my pointe shoes off and changed into my plain black flats, slinging my bag over my shoulder I made my way to my car.

My car was parked two blocks away since all the other parking spaces had been taken up at the time.

Now the parking lot was empty. I had come at three to practice my routine it was now eleven.

I regretted staying so late looking at the groups of males walking past yelling, they were clearly drunk.

I took my pepper spray out of my bag and clenched it in my hand, I quickly sped towards my car not taking the chance to plug my headphones into my Ipod as I was way to scared.

I heard the whoops and excited growls of males behind me, I began to speed up suddenly scared.

“Oi blondie, damn boy's she's hot.” A deep voice muttered.

I inhaled deeply and walked quickly ignoring the pounding of my heart, beating like I had just been on a long, long run.

“Oi slow down pretty-girl.” Another voice yelled.

I gulped, taking out my phone. I dialed '999' ready to call them if needed my teeth chattered.

I should have took that self defence class Danielle had attended, she begged me to go but I was way to busy....busy doing what? Following your mums orders. She said 'Ladies don’t need self defence that is what men are for' and you agreed. Ignoring conflict like the coward you are.

I chewed on the inside of my lip ignoring the evil little voice I had named Noah. There was nothing wrong in agreeing with my parents, because I agreed they put less pressure on Danielle and there was only so much my little sister could take.

So what if I was only two minutes older I still came out first.

I jumped when the males spoke again, “BITCH WE ARE TALKING TO YOU.”

“Ohmygod.” I breathed, I walked faster my car was only a block away I looked around the street and not one person or car was in sight.

Just a 24 hour CVS, I released a breath and crossed the street entering it. Once I had entered it I walked towards the section deepest in the store which was the drinks and small drugs like paracetamol and ibuprofen.

“Yo.” I heard a voice say, sounding close to me.

I dropped to my haunches and began moving my hands through random boxes making it as though I was reading it when, in actual fact I was too bothered on what was going on behind me.

Were those boys following me?

Had they entered the store?

Oh my god.

I stopped what I was doing and slowly craned my head, I squeezed the box in my head I saw leather.

I gulped, I looked up and saw light green eyes glowing in amusement the specks of black bringing out the beautiful light green. The beautiful eyes stared down at me. I let my eyes roam his face, light red lips twisted up in amusement caused a tingle somewhere inside me...such beautiful eyes.

Caramel coloured skin stretched across his high cheek bones and sharp jaw.

Oh god Danielle's ex, Dylan.

“Hey Princess, what's that you got there?” he asked me.

I looked down and noticed a pregnancy box in my hand, I gasped and dropped it falling onto my butt.

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