Dating the bad girl (Chapter 29)

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Chapter 29

Danielle P.O.V

“I cant get over him.” I moaned sobbing into my pillow, my leg was hoisted up; wrapped up in a cast “Im trying so hard. What is it?!” I sobbed.

Daniella slid onto the uncomfortable hospital bed beside me “It's love, it does that to you.” she mumbled her hand reaching into my hair and tugging.

“It's not fair. He's over me it's been so long.” I cried moving my arm which was also in a cast.

Daniella moved her hand cupping my hand she wrapped her hand around mine, “He left you. If he loved you he would stay. I am sick of this; get over it.” she said.

I felt my heart drop down to my knees, he didn’t love me. My hope, my tiny little inkling of hope that he loved me and was just pushed to what he did was wrong.

I needed to get over him. I sighed dropping my head back against the pillow, the medicine was kicking in and I licked my lips “I just love him.” I mumbled slowly itching my left hand.

“I'm over him.” I stated, I don’t know who I was trying to convince myself or her.

Isah pushed through the doors out of breath “Are you okay?!” he screamed to loudly.

I cupped my ears, Daniella mirrored my movement “Why are you screaming.”

Isah cupped his thighs and bent his back lightly breathing heavily, he walked to the bed slowly. He wrapped his hand around my large cast and pressed it to his sweaty forehead “I thought you died. Coconut.” he said out of breath.

“Coconut?” I asked raising an eyebrow snatching my hand out of his.

“Because I thought you would not move and still taste good like a coconut..” he said winking reaching over to press a kiss to my cheek.

I pressed a hand to his face pushing him away “Don’t touch me weirdo. That makes no sense.” I rolled my eyes.

He wrapped his hand around my wrist and tugged, “What happened?” he asked gently.

“I drove into another car.” I mumbled letting him hold my wrist in his hand.

Daniella checked the time on her watch “I'm going to go get you clothes anything else?” she asked walking out of the room waving me goodbye.

I nodded looking at my leg, I grunted “Pass me the water please?” I asked licking my dry lips.

He nodded reaching behind him to pick up the cold bottle of water, he unscrewed the top and bought it to my lips “Im hungry too.” I said chewing the inside of my lip “can I get a chicken fillet burger baby?” I asked grinning at him.

He narrowed his eyes “Are you allowed?” he asked.

“Of-course sweet-boy.” I sang slowly cupping the top of his head, like I was someone so special and he was just a follower.

He grinned at me like he was high “Only because you look like a fairy.” he said giggling, like a little girl.

I lightly slapped his cheek, “Off you go then baby,” I said “order extra chilli.” I mumbled as I chewed my inner lip.

1 week later

Isah P.O.V

“Why don’t you just take a wheelchair?” I questioned picking her up and holding her tightly to my chest.

“Because I can limp!” she snapped moving around in my arms, I was afraid I was going to drop her so I patted her bottom gently “Calm down!” I growled.

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