babysitters [ Johnlock & G.L. ]

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Type: oneshot

Pairings: johnlock , Greg x Reader

Warnings: cuteness ohmergawd

You smoothed your dress, casting one last glass in the mirror. You bit your lip nervously, your eyes floating over your form. This dress was awfully tight....

Two strong arms wrapped around your waist, you looked up to see Greg in the mirror. He placed a soft kiss to your neck, "You look stunning."

"Are you sure?" You questioned, examining your stomach once more.

"Of course." He smiled softly, you gave a soft sigh and turned to face him, adjusting his tie.

"Are you ready?"

"I don't know if we should leave her...."

"What could go wrong Greg?"

"We're leaving her with Sherlock as a babysitter."

"Alright fair point. But John will be there, John's a better parent then me." You offered.

"This is true." Greg agreed and you swatted him in the chest. "You're suppose to tell me how amazing I am." You teased and Greg gave a cheesy grin. "I wouldn't go that far..."

You stuck out your bottom lip in a pout, but it soon disappeared when Greg gave them a soft peck, intertwining your fingers. "C'mon, we're going to be late." He pulled you out of the bedroom as you grabbed your purse, John was seated on your couch, book in hand while Sherlock sat criss crossed on the floor. Your daughter sat in his lap, Barney playing on the TV. Both were watching intently.

"You sure you can handle this John? You do have two kids after all." You smirked slightly, Sherlock was too engrossed in the dancing purple dinosaur to hear you.

"I think I'll manage." John looked at the two and you smiled.

"He calls us daft yet here we are." Greg sighed and you rolled your eyes, grabbing your coat as the two of you headed into the bitter London night.


Sherlock sat watching the TV, how the bloody hell were kids so entertained by this? It was so pointless yet they found it so captivating. After a few moments Lucy stood, "I'm hungry."

"You're also blocking the television." Sherlock pushed her out of the way from the screen.

He heard John mutter something under his breath before he stood, extending his hand out to Lucy. "Let's go find something to eat." Soon she was lead off by john who scooped her up into his arms and placed her on the counter as he opened the cabinets. Lucy swung her legs and looked up, "Uncle John."

"Yes love?"  He questioned, searching for some sort of snack.

"How did you know Uncle Sherlock was the one?" She questioned, a small grin upon her lips. The S in Sherlock a bit slurred due to her missing front teeth, the four year old crossed her legs. John smiled softly, "I just knew."

"Did he sweep you off your feet?"

"He swept me off a crutch." John chuckled.

"Wanna know what uncle Sherlock says?"

"Oh god, sure why not?" John turned and looked at the girl, it was Sherlock, who knows what was about to come out of the little girl's mouth.

"He said he knew when he first saw you. Something about hair product?"

John thought for a moment before fighting off a chuckle, "I wanna play a board game." The little girl decided, jumping off the counter.

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