Chapter 1

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"Luna! Wake up!" Coraline shouted shaking me making me moan and turn. "You loser it's past seven fiftey were late!" She yelled pulling off the blankets in panic."Coraline it's Sunday" I whinned trying to confuse her."No it's not get up!" She grabbed my arm pulling me out of bed.I fell on the floor and growled mad.

"If we're late again I'm blaming you Luna!" She growled already dressed with her backpack. She went the drawer and grabbed clothes throwing them at me."Get dressed!" She roared. She stormed to the door. "Love you cous" I smricked sitting up. "Shut it Luna!" She roared then slammed the door. I laughed and got dressed.

I swear she's the only thing that makes me smile. I took a shower and I heard bang on the door annoying me. "Coraline just go by yourself!"I roared. I heard her slam the door.I loved to mess with her too.I finshed and got dressed.I hurried downstairs and hurried to school.

I was tarty as usual but I hurried to english class.I got inside about to apologize to Mr.Scoler but looked up to see a woman. She was a light skinned woman blonde hair in a bun and sky blue eyes from her black glasses going down her nose.

She was writing her name on the board until I stepped in. "Hello young man do you have a tarty pass?" She asked but I shook my head. Well sir Im gonna have to insist you get one. She smiled. Ok,I said then left and got a tardy meaning my last pass was up but all I thought was who was that chick.

I came back giving her my pass and sat."Well now that everyone is present I like to interduce myself I am Miss Peach I am your new english teacher."

She had a sweet loving smile you could trust."Your last teacher was deported to anouther school." She said sadly then got the Shakespeare book and had us turn to the page.We all opened to it.

"Um Young man"She said and I looked up to see her looking up."Can you come up here real quick?" She smiled.I nodded and came to her. She smiled and asked what page we were on. I flipped to it and she smiled. "Thank you I appreciate this." She smiled.

I nodded then went back to my seat.We read the story and I enjoyed it. She seemed sweet like she couldnt hurt a fly.At the end of class I packed up pulling the backpack over my shoulder going to the door. "Young man?"
I turned to Miss.Peach speak. "Yes?" I asked."I never got your name." She asked."Luna," I smiled. "Oh may what a lovely name were your parents into astronomy?"

"I'm not sure I never met my parents." "Oh really?" "Yea they both pasted." "Oh im sorry."It's cool it's not like I knew them."She nodded. "Well Luna have a nice day."She smiled. I nodded and left. She was very nice usually my teachers werent as fawned of me. I kind of liked her.

By the time I got to spanish I sat with Coraline. I didnt like spanish but Coraline forced me. We have Hispanic in our blood line so she wanted to get with her culture but we have a bunch of other things too.

But I carried something extra...

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