Chapter 24

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I was slammed to the ground a sword to my neck. The person spoke in russian then grabbed my hair pulling my head up. I growled feeling my my fangs grow as I banged the back of my head to the hunter's face. They fell back and I rose. "Yea how do you like it!" I smricked. They looked down at their sword.

I grabbed it fast and held it."I dont think so!" He pulled a sword from behind his back standing up. I looked down trying to hold it like in the movies. The person started to circle me making me growl. He ran at me fast and I was about to use the sword but the hunter used the sword to get the one out of my hand. I fell back looking at my hand seeing my fingers were still on it.

The hunter got the sword putting it on his back the looked at me. They walked forward raising their sword making me back up.Right when he was about to strike she stopped by hearing Coraline!"Hey leave Luna alone!" She screamed then throw a stick at the hunter.

They easily douged it then had his sights on her. I saw him walk forward but I grabbed his legs knocking him down. "I don't think so! Bastard!" I roared.The hunter looked then tried to strike me but I jumped up.I saw them get up holding the sword up. "Leave!" I roared looking at Coraline. "No I cant leave you-" The hunter grabbed her putting the sword to her throat.

He spoke in russian and I growled.They pointed to the ground with the sword. I lowered myself to the ground laying down. The hunter grabbed Coraline's hair then throw her out of the way. He screamed in russian. I lunged at him and we wrestled as I tryed to give Coraline time to run.I was over him then looked up seeing her stare."Run Coraline! Run!" I screamed then the hunter kicked me off and I fell back. My back hurt. I looked up to see the hunter with the tip of the sword at my neck.

I heard Coraline running then started to growl starting to change. The hunter backed up pulling out the other sword. I rose then roared in his face.

He backed up but I grabbed his waist in my hands lifting him to my face as I growled baring my fangs. I looked to see there eye color changed to blue. I was so distracted I didnt see the him grab his sword and hit my head with the handle hard making me let go. I held my head then saw the hunter run.I roared running after him. I saw him run up a tree.I grabbed it and used my strength to rip it off and throw it but he jumped out land on his knees. I roared furrious then bared my fangs.

We stopped to hear people coming probebly the search party. I looked back at the hunter back up from me putting the swords on his back. I backed up growling knowing we finsh this later as we ran off in separate directions.

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