Chapter 17

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As we spoke I actually felt alot better like I got alot off my chest.He seemed really cool now that got to know one anouther.

I came to Miss Peach's room during lunch and was typing on her computer. Hi,I smiled. She saw me then nodded looking back at her computer. I sat next to her seeing her read an email from an angry parent about their child's grade. "The one thing about teaching is you have to hear from angery parents who dont realize it's the students who earn the grade." She sat then lays her chin in her palm.

I nodded in agreement and I helped her put sticker on papers. "What did you do last night miss P" I asked. She smiled when I said that. "Nothing just graded papers same thing I always do." She said then looked at me. "What about you?" She asked. "Nothing just watched a movie" I lied. She looked at me then narrowed her eyes. "You sure about that?" She asked."Yea" I smiled nervously. She layed back arms crossed. "Funny because I was getting copys when I heard Mr.Stodder say you ran off." She said giving a mad look. I sighed.

"Ok ok but just because my foster parents pissed me off and Coraline came on there side saying I have an anger problem." I said looking as she watched me speak. "I mean you dont think that do you?" I asked. She stared for a second making me scared she say yes. She finally shook her head. "No I dont but I dont live with you I dont know how you act at home." I nodded knowing she was right.

"Do you mind if I ask where you went?" She asked. I wanted to tell her everything the hair the shooting the pizza but of course all I could say was I went to the forest."Luna why would you go there theres wild animals and that huge wolf on the loose."She said putting a hand on her chest.

"I know but I was annoyed" I said sadly."Well Luna maybe next time you can find a place to clear your head and relax." She said lifting her glasses. "You mean a happy place?" I asked She nodded. "Ok I'll keep that in mind."I said unsure.

As I walked home I wondered if I change again.I got home and went upstairs to my room. I dropped my backpack on the floor then layed in bed. I smelled Coraline then she came in and walked to her bed setting her backpack down."Hey Coraline where have you been I had to walk by myself again." "Why dont you ask your best friend teacher you have no problem talking to her."She snapped.

"What?" I asked confused. "I heard you Luna tell your english teacher where you went easy but if I ask you just get mad at me." She said turning back."Well maybe if you didnt insist on going against me in the first place I wouldn't have ran away!" I roared standing up. "Well I wish I didnt feel sorry for you I wish that wolf ate you!"

I growled then stormed up at her grabbing her lifting her to my face."What did you say!?" I roared

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