Chapther 20

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I cursed getting up but I saw the house a mess.Coraline came down with a broom but dropped it to see the house.She gasped covering her mouth.She looked at me,"Luna what happened?!" "The person was in the house the hunter!" I roared. She saw the broken window. "Did the burglar do that?"She asked pointing to the window. "No they didn't but I had to get inside."I said. "Or that?" She asked pointing to the table then the vase."Or that Luna or was that just you?!" She roared.

"Yes but only to get them out." "And the upstairs window did this so called burglar do that too!?" She snapped her hands in fist. She thought I did this."You can honestly belive I did this for not reason!" I said thinking she was crazy for thinking such nonsense. "No because you have an anger problem Luna!" She screamed. "No I don't!" I roared furrious. "You got angry because I yelled at you and you took it out on the house!" She screamed pointing at me angerly.

"No I didn't someone was in here trying to hurt you! I was trying to protect you!" I roared. "Yea sure they did."She said crossing her arms over her chest. I growled at her furrious. "Fine dont belive me! I don't care don't come crying to me when that guy comes back!" I said then unlocked the door and opened it slamming it behind angerly.

I spent the weekend in the forset no changing into a wolf. I ate small animals like rabbit and squirrels my animal insticts making it easy to catch them.I figured staying far away from the others. If I don't go I will be safe beside I'll go back to school and no one try to hunt with me in public. I knew the hunter was still watching me. I smelled them but I refused to change challenging them.

One monday I finally came to school.I was messy and dirty but I didnt care.I got in class and saw Miss peach writing on the bored her long blonde hair down. "Hey",I smiled.She looked and gasped."Luna what happened to you?" She asked scared as she came to me brushing the dirt off my shoulders."Nothing I just leaft again."I smiled awkwardly. "Oh no Luna are you hurt?" She asked."Nah I'm good just leaft my backpack at home though."I said thinking of my homework. She heard the first bell then hurried and had me sit next to her desk.

"Luna this isn't ok you running away like this I sure your foster parents and cousin are worried sick." She said worried her glasses falling seeing her blue eyes. "It's fine Miss P I can handle myself."I smrick proudly. "Luna I know you don't want to but I have to suggest you go back home after school you need to be with your family." She said worryed. I sighed looking down. Maybe she was right maybe I should go home. We heard a radio.I turned and two security guard waving at me to come.

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