Chapter 6

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I layed in bed moaning my stomach growling. Images kept going in my head making me angry.I heard the howls outside mocking me making me think of my dad.I rose in bed seeing it dark outside. I was sweating again so I pulled off my blanket. I held my head as I tryed to get the images out of my head by thinking of happy things like Coraline rainbows sunshine.

I tryed to think of Miss Peach's loving smile but it only made me want to roar in anger.I felt my stomach growl more in my gut as I sat in bed. It was so load I heard it. I rose from bed looking at the door but then heard Coraline.I looked to see her sleeping and I saw it was after ten. I came to her bed slowly. Her sweet smell getting closer as if cooked ready to be eaten. She slept and I felt my stomach growl.

She slept so peacefully I enjoy to savor every bite. I lean over opening my mouth until I heard a bang. I looked up toward the door. It sound like it came from outside.I looked down at Coraline asleep then growled like an animal and ran downstairs. I looked to the window to see the trash can knock over.I knew it was those good for nothing wolves until I saw a figure in the dark.

It looked like a man,I figure it was a homeless guy trying to get our trash. I grabbed a shovel to scare him off. I came out side. "Hey you get out of here!" I screamed holding up my shovel. I saw the man stop and look back. I saw two huge blue eyes shine in the dark. I was scared but I gave a brave face.

"You heard me get lost!" The man suddenly got bigger as he rose up. I almost dropped the shovel.He came close and I rasied the sholve."Back!Stay back." I roared. He stopped but he still towered over me.I hurried and turned on the back light hoping I could scare him off or at least Identify him.When the light came on I fell back gasping to see it wasnt a man but a wolf!

It looked down it ears up as it tail swayed behind. It stood like a man but was covered in fur.It looked down at me then dropped on his hands as I stayed on the ground. It looked at me with it's big blue eyes then sniffed me. It sniffed my hair and shirt.It wagged it's as if it was happy to find it's meal.I started to growl for no reason. As if challenging him. It rose it's head fast then cocked it head. I kept growling baring my teeth, It rose on it's back paws making me stop then lowered it head and roared in my face!

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