Chapter 27

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The small boy stands in the front yard in horror as he sees his father go out in the forset. He stares at the dark sky scared wanting his father to come back. He turns looking at the door but then turns back to hear his father's voice."Daddy!" The boy screams running towards the sound. He runs in the woods tears going down his cheeks. Suddenly he sees wolves slowly coming towards him. He shivers scared tears in his eyes. He cries for his father covering his face. The growls turns to whimphers as the wolves start to retreat. The boy looks and sees a huge shadow over him.He turned and looks up to sees a huge wolf staring down at him. He shivered but the wolf lowered it head getting a closer look at the boy as it lands on all fours. The boy looks at the wolf change and smiles widely. "Daddy!"He screams then hugs his father . "Your suppost to be inside little pup."He smiled. The boy hugged him tightly with a smile....

I gasped awake still on the couch seeing it was all a dream. I sighed and rose rubbing my eyes. I didn't smell Miss. Peach in the house. "Miss.P you still here?" I asked. I rose and walked to the fridge to see she left a note.

Luna had to go back to school I will be back later so we can talk about what to do about you constantly leaving.
P.S. Please don't eat all my food
-Love Miss.P

I smiled at her note then the boy's face appeared in my head again."Was that suppost to be me?" I asked myself. I heard a creak in the floor board making me turn."Miss. Peach?" I asked. I got no answer then sniffed the air. I smelled something that made me growl.

I looked around my claws growing from my fingers. I looked in her room only seeing a messy bed. I walked growling checking the closet. "I can smell you hunter! You think sneaking in my teacher's house will change anything?" I said then moved my head back to see the window open knowing they got in throw there.

I looked around then came out of the room.I heard a creak. I turned and the hunter was behind. Before I could attak he slashed me in the chest with his swords. I gasped falling back. I was bleeding.It hurt in pain and I looked up to see the hunter glare down. "Stay down wolf" He growled deeply. I growled then the sword was at my neck.

"Why should I?" I asked. He rasied his sword high ready to strike me!

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