Chapter 13

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I stood watching him leave seeing the blood trail he leaft.I strangely felt tears go down my face.I didnt want to say he was my father but I felt inside he was right. I breathed heavly seeing the blood stains on the ground making me angry.I looked up then roared in the air.I cursed and kicked the dirt and screamed.

First I was betrayed then annoyed now this!?I was furrious I wanted to rip the world apart. I got hot and sweaty breathing hard. I was still furrious wanting to rip that person apart!I heard a rustle in the bushes. I growled and ran after them getting the scent I started to feel my back ache.

I stopped seeing my claws come out.I held my head and looked down the ground looking like it was getting father away from me.I felt dizzy looking up see someone running.I grew angry and ran after my vision so blurry then darkness.

I only heard voices and roars then felt myself fall in the grass.I fell asleep warm and cozy like being in a heavy blanket. I finally woke seeing the grass.I looked around to see I was in I was in my backyard then rose fast.I looked around to see I was back home then huffed.

Great, I thought. Now Im gonna get a lecture from my foster parents and Coraline. I turned to see the trash can strangly looking smaller.I looked curious as I felt something sniff me I turned to see a dog back up barking.

I tryed to tell the dog to get lost but instead I growled. I stopped and thought that werid. The dog growled back.I tryed to roar leave but I just roared. I saw something as I roared at the tip of my vision.I touched my noise feeling something long and felt something wet at the end.Huh? I thought backing up then felt something hit the trash can.

I looked back to see a long furry tail!I freaked out following it hoping to find what animal it belong to but then realized it was attached to me! I got scared and looked to see the dog cowarded down at the sight of me running off. At first I saw the dog thinking it was a puppy but realized it was a full grown dog.

I kept looking as the tail on me wagged side to side.I suddenly smell a sweet smell making me lift my nose and smell a familer smell.I heard the back door open.Who's there?!I heard Coraline call.I turned and saw her happy.I said her name but it came out as a dog whimpher. I saw her looking right at me but swinted not seeing me in the dark."Luna?" She asked I was so happy to see her my tail wagged

I came closer,"Luna if that you answer me!" She said holding the door knob.She didnt reconize me? Im was sure once I got in the light see reconize me."Luna if your playing a joke this isnt funny".I got closer seeing her smaller.She looked so small as I stood in front of her. She froze in fear as she looked up at me. I was confused she was so small what happened? She suddenly screamed calling me a monster!

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