Chapter 4

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I leaned over her as she slept opening my mouth slowly ready to feast!I was over her about to bite when her alarm clock went off and she hit my nose with her elbow as she streghted making me stop backing up. She looked up to see what she did.She laughed. "That's what you get Luna!" She laughed pointing at me. "You thought you get me twice your sourly mistaken." She smricked getting out of bed.

I let go looking scared realizing what I was about to do. I breathed heavy scared.What was about to do? I asked myself then looking down at my hands to see I had black claws!

I beat Coraline to school too scared to be around her. I didnt even eat breakfest.I got to english as the thrid person there but Miss Peach called me. I looked back as she waved for me to come. I sighed and came to her desk. "Hey Luna couldnt say Hi?" She smiled. "Sorry didnt want to be late." I lied. Well your extra early the only people here are people who need extra criedt. She smiled.

"Pull up a seat so we can get to know each other." She smiled.I didnt want to but she wasnt talking no for an answer. I got a chair and sat next to her desk."So Luna I see you have an A in English." She smiled. I nodded. "You like to read?" She asked. I nodded bitting my lip looking back to see it was only seven o' five. "Luna is something bothering you?" She asked putting a hand to my shoulder. "No I'm fine." I said then gulped feeling myself sweat. "You look nervous are you sure your ok?" She asked worried. I nodded. "I can call your parents to pick you up." She said.

"Parents!?" I roared holding my head then rose slamming my fist to her desk."I told you I don't have parents!" I roared in her face and she looked suprised. I wanted to rip something apart. I just held my head and screamed."Luna please calm down."Miss Peach said holding my sholuders but I grabbed her slamming her down growling at her.

HER!I want to rip her to pieces! The two in the room ran off and Miss peach sat in shock as I towered over her furrious.I held her down by her rist on the chair. A person calling my name stopped me. I looked back to see Coraline.She looked at me terriffed as if looking a monster. "Luna stop it!" She cried grabbing me and pulling me back.I looked at Miss peach still in her chair as I backed up to the door with Coraline.

I lisened to Coraline but slowly went limp starting to fall asleep.I fell on the floor and fell asleep.

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