Chapter 22

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I sat in back of the car looking down wanting to throw up.My Foster parents drove me home and we all stayed quiet as we came inside. I saw the window boarded up and the glass table gone. I looked to see the vase was gone too. They turned infront of the step. "Now Luna this is staring to become a problem." My Foster Dad said "I know." I said sadly.

"You are going to hurt someone and we cant let you actually do it like ealier." My foster Dad continues.I looked down sad. "Yea" I said looking at the floorboard."Luna what do you want us to do? Do we need to get you help?" My Foster mom asked worried. "No I just don't know right now." I said sadly going upstairs to my bedroom. I sat in bed holding my head. "God why is this happening to me?" I asked looking down in my lap. I saw the window boarded up.

I saw throw the creaks was a relection shinning from the sun. I growled and ran up. I pulled the boards off then saw a person jump from the window. I saw the hunter. They looked up with a sword in hand. I growled angry opening my window. "Luna!" My Foster mom screamed. I looked back. They looked at me. "Sorry guys" I said then jumped out.

I landed on the ground and saw the hunter.He ran and I ran after hearing my foster parents call me.I ran after as the hunter headed to the school.I lunged grabbing them as we got next to the building. The person kneed my in the gut then ran. I ran up grabbing them by the wasit and throw them at a window. They fall then rose.I tryed to punch them but missed and it went throw the window. I let go and the person triped me than ran.

I rose then heard someone scream my name. I looked back to see Coraline. I growled then took off after the hunter. I started to catch up grabbing them and wrestled him on the ground. I was over him but he pulled out pepper spray and got my eye. I roared jumping off. I saw them run off and I roared in the air. "I'm not done with you Hunter!" I breathed heavy fangs in my mouth.  As I stared in direction they ran I heard the stream and walked to it and washed my face. I felt so dirt and hot,My clothes were tore and I felt my stomach growl.

I wish I could go home but I had to get that hunter before he tryed to get someone else.I layed in the grass fast asleep until a few minutes later I sniffed up to smell people. I heard footsteps and people calling my name.How did they know I was out hear? I only told two people where I when.Miss peach and Coraline. Miss Peach would tells to protect me and so would Coraline. I saw the flashlight then started running away as they got closer.

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