Chapter 8

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"Wow wow you are not my dad!" I roared. He smiled looking at my wound."Told ya it suprise you." He smiled. "No my dad died when I was three your not my dad!" I shouted. He shushed me."Lower your voice you dont want others to hear us." "Why not for all I know you'll change and try to eat me." I said narrowing my eyes. He laughed.

"No I already ate besides I don't think wolves can eat other wolves." he smiled "What are you talking about?" I asked mad. "Oh right you dont know do ya?" He asked."Know what?" I asked. "Well I have been one of the lucky few who have been chosen to be a wolf man and since I was born this way you have my wolf dna inside you too."

"Wow wow wow! I am not a wolf man alright I hate wolves!" I screamed. He looked mad then looked at me making me shut my mouth. "Well young man too bad your one of us so you better get use to it." He snapped his fangs in his mouth. "I can't be a wolf man person my dad was killed by wolves." I said. He shook his head in disappointment.

"You still dont belive me do you?" "No I dont!" I roared. "Well wise guy then explain why you have been stocking your cousin like she's a roasted turkey?" He asked"I-" "And why you have been sweating so much when you get hungry or angry? Oh and lets not forget the episode you had with your english teacher!" He roared in my face making me coward down.

He calmed down moving back. "I guess you get that temper from me."He said then looked up.He sniffed the air then growled. He helped me up but my wound still hurt. "Hunters" He whisphered. He turned to my face."Lisen Luna That bite should have speeded up the process." He said hands on my shoulders. "I have to go but you go home to your cousin and you make sure to tell her I said hi."He smiled then we heard a rustle.

He looked serious. I have to go but you need to get back home. But what did you do to me did you change me too?" I asked scared. He shook his head. No Luna you were already a wolf. He smiled then I saw him slowly change back to a wolf casting a huge shadow.

He looked down with his huge blue eyes then he howled in the air. He ran off and I watched him run off in the woods.I backed up still hearing the rustle then ran off towards my house.I started to feel the pain in my stomach making me fall in the grass.I held my wound seeing blood and I grunted my teeth in pain. I saw a figure approaching me getting closer.I wanted to speak but my vison got blurry. I saw the person's feet then slowly pasted out.

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