Chapter 23

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I ran as fast as I could starting to feel my self growing. I hide in a bush changing seeing the people run foward. It was two police men with flashlights. "Hello Luna are you here?" He asked reaching to his side with maze."Luna if your there we just want to help you get home."I growled fully changed rasing myself us.They gasped backing up.I roared in there faces and the ran off.I saw he dropped the maze leaving.I growled then walked off.

I headed for home knowing I could go without anyone there.I changed back then used my claws to climb to the window.I opened it coming in to hear a gasps from Coraline.I looked to see her on the bed with a picture of us at zoo. "Luna your back!"She smiled.I ignored her getting more clothes then going to the bathroom."Our Foster parents  wanted me to stay in case you came back and you did!" She smiled walking to the bathroom door.

I washed my face in the sink seeing the dirt go down. "Luna are you ok who was that gu-" "Did you tell them where I was?" I interupted looking at her angry. "Yes but because I saw you chasing that person and you punched your hand throw glass!" She said trying to look at my hand but I pulled it back. "It's just a few scratches i'm ok." I  said then looked back in the mirror looking to see if my fangs were still in my mouth.

"Luna I was worried sick I couldn't sleep you could have gotten hurt those animals could have hurt you." "No they couldn't Coraline." "Yes They could a bear a wolf- "No!They couldnt!" I roared in a deep nosie. She looked at me then moved my chin seeing my scratch. "What happened?" She asked. "The person I was fighting had cut we with a knife or something,But im fine" I said then turned going to the shower.

"Luna I just worry your like my big brother I hate to be separated from you." I nodded taking off my shirt. "Luna can you please tell me what's going on?" She asked. I sighed looking down. "I can't tell you Coraline you just won't believe me." I said then checked the water. She sighed then left closing the door. I took a shower getting dressed then came out to see Coraline looking down at the picture tears in her eyes.I came to her and hugged her.

It's ok Coraline I'm not mad at you just at myself. I kissed her head. She held me tight."Please just promise you'll be ok" She said holding me. "Yes I promise cous." I said then held her alittle longer as she cryed.

I left feeling awful. I wanted to rip my head off. I made sure the search party was done for the night and came back. I had to come back sometime but I didnt know when. I walked in the woods and sat. I looked at my hands now clean. I was about to get up when I was knocked down and I looked up to see the Hunter!

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