I Don't Know Anymore

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Dean's POV

I woke up and looked around trying to figure out where i was about to have a fit

Before i did anything i looked over and saw kait laying next to me calming down a little. But she looked like she was enjoying it "Wake up princess" I smirked when she pulled me closer. "Don't sit here and think you can wake me up whenever..remember what happened last time!" I pulled away not wanting to hear any of the crap that coming out of her mouth

"What i tell you about bringing up the past braniac" i felt her sit up and i scoped out the i'm guessing hotel room. "Maybe if you didn't leave me and get drunk we wouldn't have to be in this stolen hotel room" She tried sounding smart knowing i always had a comeback.

"Oh shit I'm sorry i don't really care" I stepped to her and saw her getting bright  red just the way i like it.

"You weren't saying that yesterday " I heard her mumble staring at me directly in the eye. "Oh really? I was drunk and you were sober saying- wait no screaming my name" 

"You must not have a clue what happened yesterday" She stood her ground "What.. cracking a few jokes as all" I shrugged

"She clenched her jaw and spoke "You said you miss me you told me i was pretty-" Was she serious

"OMG BABY I WAS DRUNK ...you actually thought i meant all of that" I don't know why but chicks always give this sob story like i care.

"Yea....i actually did" She threw the covers off and ran out "So damn emotional"


I came with her to getaway.....i guess we could have made a friendship..or am i to stubborn to even think about me with her.

I peeked out the room and saw her sitting quietly on the couch. "Heyy.....you alright" I slid my hands around her waist and she pushed me off.  "No I'm not" She was the stubborn one.

"WHAT THE FUCK KAIT! why are you acting like that get over it"

I'm not because after all of the shit i've done for you you still treat me like a fucking bitch" I saw the rage side come out of her and i just knew she was gonna explode

"I said i was sorry" My blood boiled when i saw her get up for the door "No the fuck you didn't you just burped, fell asleep and showed me that you didn't care" She stepped up to my face

"WE don't even go together....so why do YOU act like you care" I asked her "Because i actually do..i know this sounds stupid...but I-i" 

"Spit it out kait" I growled and she leaned against the door. "Well...i mean i didn't miss you cause you were acting like a bitch" She looked at me with a grudge then i smiled. "But i do think you're kinda sexy" She gave me a evil smirk and i approached her slowly.

"I still.." She faded away when i bit down on her neck "What was that?" 

"Oh fuck you Dean Ambrose.."

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