She's So Pretty

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Deans POV

"Right this way kaitlyn" the lady at the clinic greeted her and I saw them both walk into the backroom

I Dean Ambrose

Has a baby on the way

I'd never think it would be from her. Like are we even dating? But eh I mean she's a good a bad way. Yea I wasn't ready to have a child but just thinking about me having a baby with her was just amazing. Shes way better than Paige that's for sure.

Yea that's right were gonna start our family on our own..No mom or dad

It pisses me off thinking about her an how much she neglected me.

I'm gonna still be the typical bad ass Ambrose as alway that's never gonna change....but I have to for my baby.

Kaitlyns POV

"alright ms.kaitlyn put this gown on and I'll get u situated in a little" the nurse walked out the room and I changed. Did I seriously have to have a check up just to fight?

I hope this physical isn't long...I'm also hoping she doesn't ask if I'm pregnant.

I looked in the mirror and trace my fingers around my stomach. Could you notice?

I jumped when I saw her walk back in with a clip board.

"Are you ready?" she asked "Ready than I'll ever be" I smirked

All she did was weight me, saw how tall I was ask stupid questions.



"Any sever injuries" she started to lift up my sleeve and look at the bandages wrapped around my arm, but I stopped her nosey bitch -_-

"Nope!" I smiled and she shrugged

"alright that seems to be it..Oh wait I almost missed one" I gripped the counter

"Are you pregnant?" fuck.

I clenched my jaw and tilted my head.

"No ma'm " I stuttered a little

"Alright great you seem to be in the clear" she stood up and walked out while I put my clothes back on.

"Oooh your so sexy" I heard deans voice and jumped while he stared at me like the pervert he is. XD

"I know I'm can't be in here wait for me out-"

"No" he sat down on the chair while I slipped my shirt on.

"Soo.. What happened" I shrugged my shoulders and stared at all the cheesy posters on the wall.

"nothing really ..she asked two death defying questions"

"I'm guessing about you being pregnant and about your arm" I looked down at the still bloody bandages wrapped around my right arm."Ehh I'll survive...I hope" dean laughed as we left the building.

"Tomorrow I meet this Paige van Zant..and we have are press conference" I felt like a celebrity.

"OH SHIT" I turned my attention at dean who seem to be fascinate with something.

I looked up and saw my photo on the billboard.


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