I'm Your Unstable Father

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Deans pov

I slouched in my chair panting and laughing at the same time while the blood dripped from my bottom lip onto to my unstained shirt. "That's all you got!....you piece of shit" I muttered and he grabbed me by the collar lifting me up "I want answers and I want them now Ambrose .....where where you on the night of January 12th" he looked directly in my eye and I smirked. "I believe I was in your mom she didn't tell yo-" I was caught to a fist colliding to my mouth. These asswhites seriously think I'll fess up my mouth was now pouring blood. "your only wasting your time dean Ambrose.....matter of fact this very moment your girl is in the hospital about to give birth to your child" I thought I was imagining things I looked up slowly at him, shocked .

"What!!" I stood up trying to leave but they pushed me back. "Man fuck no that's my baby!!!" I kept trying to push them off but they wouldn't let me leave. "Your not going any damn where until you tell us what needs to be told!"

When the fuck will I wake up! I'm having a damn baby for crying out loud I feel myself becoming mature each day that I'm now with kaitlyn when will I open my eyes and see that I need To man up and do my job being there for kaitlyn why can't I get it through my thick skull that its time to grow up and take responsibility .

"....you want answers....ok....when I was 7 my dad killed himself infront of me the only person I seemed to admire I grew up smoking cigerettes and drinking beer til I passed out I got beat up everyday at school... No one cared...yea I confessed I robbed a store, anything I could get my hands on I took it cause I couldn't buy anything I have....shit I'm not even going to college.. When I run away to get away from all of this shit I find out that it doesn't get any better it gets harder...my ex girls baby isn't mine...Fuck I got kaitlyn pregnant and she's sittin in a hospital room about to have my baby and I'm not with her, I know I'm an unstable, psychopath , crazy, unintelligent person but I'd be damn if my child grows up without a father like I did." they gave me an awful stare before turning to each other.

Kaitlyns pov

I looked at the beeping monitor of my babys heart rate. It was going pretty fast I started shaking when I thought about dean. What will happen to him , will he be here, I don't wanna do this alone, a tear streamed down my face for the first time since I found out I was pregnant. This problem that I'm facing is tearing me in tiny pieces.

"Nurse!!" I yelled in anger I started to feel sharp pains in my stomach and I couldn't help but to be scared. She came in and ran directly to the monitor, pushed a few buttons and looked at me worried. "Code blue in room 237 maternity ward." what the hell is a code blue.

Two more nurses and a doctor came in.

"The babys heart rate is going down were gonna have to deliver him right now" my eyes rolled to the back of my head, I refuse do this without dean.

We turned are attention to the door where I saw dean thrown to my bed bleeding senseless. "Dean what happened" he groaned and tried to get up. "Don't tell a cop u did his mom" he moaned as he stumbled to the bathroom to clean up.

"Are you ready Kaitlyn" the doctor asked prepping everything I clenched the rail tighter until I saw my veins popping out. "Ready for what!" dean said coming out the bathroom with tissue on his lip. "We have to deliver the baby right now" I never saw Dean get so pale before in my life he look like he was gonna faint then and there.

"N-now?" he stuttered an I grabbed his hand pulling him over to me. "Don't bail on me now babe" I looked up at him while he stared into space." why would I do that"he said toneless.

About 6 pushes and I was carrying a new baby boy to call mine. He weighed in at 6lbs and 4oz .

We named him Kaden after deans deceased father

Kaden Carson Ambrose was his full name. He was so adorable. When I looked at him all I saw was Dean. His eyes ,curly hair,same hair color, same nose, only thing he had was my eyebrows.

How selfish of me I looked around the quiet room for Dean but he wasn't there instead I saw him outside the glass window balling his eyes out.

He then walk back in looking at me.

"It's a miniature you" I tried handing him to Dean but he just stood there frozen looking down at him. "I'm afraid I'll drop him...I-can't" he stuttered.

Ofcourse u can. I helped him assume the right position to hold him. He began crying until I placed him in his arms.

"He does look alot like me doesn't he" I was extremely exhausted from everything and I needed a rest.

I believe that I've been sleeping for hours when I woke up it was 2 pm the next day I looked around for my baby's and I saw Dean fast asleep on the rocking chair with Kaden asleep the same way on his chest. I smiled wide as a tear slid down my face. I grabbed my phone out my bag and opened instagram for the first time in a log while. I pressed the red button to record

"Wassup ig I know you haven't heard from me in a while and if your wondering what happened to me- I turned the camera to Dean and Kade- I'm with my new family"


The last chapter is tomorrow boohoo don't worry Hun there is a sequel an I've already started on it stay beautiful,-Bella

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