Overprotective, You Are

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Kaitlyns POV

I don't know right now. Its like me and dean are growing separate since I told him I was pregnant.I don't want him to leave me we've come so far together.

We where walking and the streets were cold.Dean kept staring at me and it was getting pretty annoying.

"Would you stop it!!" I stopped and he gave me one of his perverted looks.

"I don't know what your talking about"he kept walking and I walked right behind him.

"you look at me like I'm some kind of unknown creature...don't treat me different dean" I felt my face get red and I wiped the tear that came down.

"Aww somebody's getting all sad" he teased pinching my cheeks. "stop!! Dean why are you acting like this?" i wiped my face again

"I don't know what I did" he sounded clueless.

"..your such a douche" we stayed silent the whole walk until we sat down infront of a billboard.

"...I'm sorry kaitlyn" he said bluntly "..it's just...i don't know what to feel about this right now I'm a damn child myself..I'm an unstable person I don't have a job I can't I can't!" Dean looked like he was about to have a panic attack i cuffed his cheek"Dean stop don't talk like that I know we have nothing but right now I'm more scared than you are..please dean stick with -me..tell me you'll be there" I teared up again.

"I'm not going nowhere..alright stop crying making me look like a pussy" he always had away to make me smile when I'm down. "Shut up" I turned around and took a look at the billboard behind us it caught my attention.


(Dude search Paige van ZANT on google she is so gorgeus to me)




I smile crept across my face "Dean look....you know what this means" he stared at it "examining" it

"If your talking about fighting this hot ass chick then I think your insane if you think I'm gonna let my pregnant baby's mom fight a professional MMA wrestler"he started walking but I pulled him back.

"Dude look at the reward" his eyes widened then

"Woah 5 baby makers" I looked at him slyly

"Oh um 5 trees but still I refuse it's not happenin" I pulled him by the collar again

"Dean it's not like shes gonna give me a hit to the stomach it's just punches and kicks to the face besides look how scrony this bitch is I will wreck her" I got hyped everytime I thought of fighting. I had to fight all my life I've been beat up before and bullied but I fought my way up to the top. Now these females don't even give me a second look.

"I'm still not giving in about this kait your already beat up from that fall" he scratched the back of his head

"Would you stops being so overprotective"

"Don't get smart with me cause I'll find her and tell her-"

"You gonna tell her what?" I stepped closer to him ad he gave his serious face,then laughed

".....You better win this 5k kait" he walked past me and I smirked thinking I can get him to do anything

"That's what I thought...then Mabye are little lady can have everything she want"

Dean turned around with his eyebrow raised at me

"Noo were gonna buy junior a miny dirtbike" he came behind me and hugged my stomach

"We'll see about that"

I'm so happy....never thought id say that..

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