"Aw thanks Ken!"(Bunny)

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Kenny's POV

Me and butters were in his room on his hello kitty themed bed. I loved his room, It was bigger and cleaner than mine.

It didn't have posters of naked women and holes in the wall. There wasn't rats running around. You didn't have to calm Karen down because some people are fighting over drugs and some shooting happens. You don't have to lock you and your brother and sister in their rooms when your mom and dad gets violent with each other. You don't have to block out people when they fight outside of your house. None of that.

"KEN! Are you listening to me?" "Sorry buttercup." I said and moved some hair out of my eyes and smiled at him.

He smiled back. Damn I love that smile. I love the fact when he smiles his eyes light up like A kid on Christmas day. I love every inch of this boy. From his smile to his eyes down to his feet. "Ken. Can we play Princess?" He asked, embarrassed that the fact he asked if we could technically  dress up and put make up on and act like girls. "Sure buttercup. You still have my dress here?" "Of course ken!" Man he's so cute.

     Time skip brought to you by Fatass Cartman

Butters POV

Me and ken did each others makeup already having the dresses on and such. "Wait ken don't we need a prince!" I asked and looked at him "We don't need men Princess Buttercup!" I giggled and nodded "They are just Pigs Princess Ken" "You are right Princess Buttercup" We laughed and we locked eyes. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I loved the gap between his teeth, It made him stand out.

I didn't notice we ended up leaning into each other. We were so close to each others face, our noses were touching.

We kissed.... We kissed for real. It wasn't just some weird mean dream. We broke and I hugged kenny "I love you so much Ken!" I squealed "I love me too." I looked at him.

I faked cried and he hugged him tighter "I'm so sorry Buttercup" my crying turned to laughter "I hate you so much Butters" "But you love me too" "Yeah.. " We kissed again.

((That was not very hard to right as I think butters would ask that. So ye!!

Wordcount: 400

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