"some water pun interested here"(Water!Stan X Reader)

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((AN: By water!stan I mean he has water power not, you are gonna fall in love with water that you named stan. So this is from nature park the AU. So stan has water powers and shit!))

Stans POV

I sat at the edge of starks pond, my feet dipped in. I had my friend, Kyle, On the phone freaking out because Eric splashed water on him and it burn. And if you don't know Kyle got fire powers so he had to be careful around snow and water. So he barely comes to Starks pond.

"It just fucking sucks that you have water powers. And I have to be careful around you." Kyle went on and on. "Ky I gotta go. I'll talk to you later" I simply said and shoved my phone in my pocket.

I heard humming and snow under boots around me. I look behind me, just to see Y/N. She looked at me and smiled "Hey Stan!" She said and smiled.

She smiled and came over to sit by stan. Y/N had a thunder sign carved in her neck. It was glowing yellow.

"What cha wanna do?' Y/N asked. I just shrugged and looked at her. Her H/L H/C hair. Her E/C made her stand out. I lobed her S/C. "What are you starring at Stan?" She asked. I looked away blushing. "You and your fine ass" fuck did I say that out loud? I looked over and she was looking at me.


I hate silence.

"You think Me and my ass are fine?" She asked "Hell yeah" god damn I should really stop saying my thoughts out loud. "D'awwww thanks stan" she said and kissed my cheek.

I smirked and looked at her. She looked at me and I kissed her, she kissed back and "WOW! Stan you are cheating on me?" I heard a fake gasp and I turned around.

I luaghed at Kyle and Hus fake shock look. I suddenly got pushed in the water and heard two girly laughs. I flipped kyle off as soon I pulled myself on land.

((AN: I had fun writing this. Maybe cus I got to write about stan and kyle. My favorite characters in the world.))

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