Kink Shaming

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Idk I'm sleepy south park is on so here just have it)

Kyles POV

"Will you not shame me!" Wendy shouted

I nodded "But its still weird"

Wendy groaned as I smiled.

"Stan tell me something do you think Kyle's kink is kinkshaming" Stan nodded and looked away from me.

"Its not!"

"Than what fucking kink do you have?"

I think for a minute "Kenny"

Kenny shouted "HELL YEAH!"

Wendy rubs her head and says something "Jesus God"

"KENNYS MY KINK TOO" Clyde yelled

"See I'm my own kink!" Kenny shouted.

Everybody just nodded besides Wendy.

"What's your kink Wendy?"

"Its not Kenny.. Its kyle, Bebe's kink is also Kyle so fuck off!"

I choked on air and went back to kink shaming her.

((That was very straight and wired so take it untill the next one shot!)

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