That Picture(2 Creek)

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((Okay so let do this I'm very happy with the first one so let's jump rightttt into it))

Craig's POV

Me and Tweek just got finished with that stupid fight we had for no reason. We both luaghed it off. He fucked my arm up pretty good, its scratched, bit, more. We heard a snap and a picture was handed to us. We nod and Tweek dose something unexpected, he rips it in half down the middle. He hands me my side of the picture. But, we almost lost them, we mixed this up and I had my side of the picture and he has he's.

I smile as I look at ruby who is smiling as well "What's the plan?" She asked and I smile, "Imma win him back of course." She nods and smiles "I'm helping" we get home and me and Ruby head upstairs to my room.

We make coffee, get some popcorn and poptarts to eat. Its gonna be a long night.

Tweeks POV

I smile at butters as he goes on about Kenny. Its not annoying once oh ever. Its adorable and cute. Plus I never talk, all I need is to try to be creative or listen to butters.

"And the most amazing thing Kenny did was, Set up this whole thing in my room and asked me out to prom. Luckily my mom or dad didn't figure out-" he goes on and on well infill I get a call on my phone from an unknown caller. I slowly pick it up and answer it.

"Hey its uhhh... That kid you fought in the 5th grade" I sit up and smile "And I was wondering would you like to meet up st Stark's P-" "Yes" it came out faster than. "Kay see ya in a bit" He hangs up and I smile wider than before.

Time skips!

Butters drops me off in front of the Stark's Po- "Be careful okay!" I nod and star heading towards a bench and see someone sitting there. I sit next to him and there's silence. "H-Hi" he looks over at me. He's the boy from dinner he smiles at me and I smile back.

Suddenly we are hugging

"Craig Tucker I dare you to leave me again!"

"I'll leave Tweek!"

"I could kill you"

"Yeah whatever I love you too"

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