"why are you out here?"(bunny)

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Inspried by a comic

Kenny's POV

I was doing my daily walk at 8pm with, snowing falling and it being so cold you just have to have a jacket.

I always had a late walk at 8pm, but today is Christmas and my family opened up the two presents i bought with token's money even though I kept trying to tell him no.

Karen got a doll and a really fluffy blanket to keep her warm, Kevin got a laptop and a cook book(even tho he's mean he can cook) I got a Alarm clock and better pillows my parents just got better blankets.

I look up when I heard crying, and see... Butters?

"Holy shi- What are you doing out here with no coat or shoes?"

He looks up at me and I can see a black eye and split lip. I sit with him on the snow and he smiles st me.

"Nothin' Ken, I'll be fine. I've been sitting out here for an hour now." I looked at him confused.

"Why aren't you inside with your parents?"

"My dad got mad at me for s-stepping on my little cousin's paper toy"


I took off my jacket and wrapped it around him, "Would you like to go over to my house?"

He nodded and we got up and walked to my house as fast as two shivering boys can.

When we get there, we rush to my room to get warm and shit.

"I'm going to kill your parents"

"Please don't"

I kissed his forehead "Just go to sleep

South Park One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon