chapter fifty

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We got to Sally's room and she got dressed into her night gown. I put her under the covers and stroked her hair. "Can you sleep with me?" She asked grabbing my hand. I smiled and nodded, I got in behind her.
In the middle of the night I opened my eyes to complete darkness. My eyes adjusted and I saw a tall figure in the room moving towards Sally. I jumped up and kicked the figure in the chest. He made a grunt and hit the wall. I grabbed his throat feeling leather like skin. Someone rushed into the room switching on the light. Offender came into view as I got ribbed off him. Jeff held my waist as I glared at Offender. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN SALLY'S ROOM!" I shouted feeling my anger rise. He stood up staring down at me, "Came to say goodnight." He lied as I went to strangle him again. Jeff held me back as Slender came in. Sally was sitting up in her bed. "What happened?" Slender asked. "Your perverted brother came into Sally's room." I snapped. Slender grabbed Offender. "You are leaving now." He walked out with him. I sighed, Jeff let go and sat next to Sally. I sat on the other side of her as I hugged her.


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