Chapter 12

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Isabelle went back inside her house and went to the kitchen. She sat on one of the chairs. She couldn't help but to think about her mum and her other family .

"Honey are you alright?" asked Mrs Foster.
"Yea I'm fine..." Isabelle lied and did a fake smile.
Mrs Foster raised her brow.
"Ok...ok I can never lie to's just that everything is so complicated, knowing that I have another mum, I have a brother. Worst thing is I'm adopted. " said Isabelle.
"Honey'll always be my daughter no matter go upstairs and freshen up. We're going to be having
dinner after this." said Mrs Foster as she went back to her cooking that she stopped half way.

"Okay" said Isabelle with a sigh as she went upstairs to her room.
She chose one of the outfits.It was her favourite strip top and one of her casual shorts.
She went to the bathroom and had a long bath.

A few minutes later...

After having a long bath, Isabelle wrapped herself with her bathrobe.
She came outside with a towel wrapped on her head.
Isabelle suddenly stopped where she was.
"Who's there?" asked Isabelle.
There was no reply.
Isabelle switched on her room light and saw a shadow moving really fast here and there.
"Who's there? Show yourself. I -I don't want to hurt you." said Isabelle.
Shit who is there? Oh god please be no one scary or Brandon. Are you serious Isabelle. You're not supposed to be thinking about Brandon in this situation. Snap out of it Belle.
Just then a guy stepped out slowly.
"Who are you?" asked Isabelle.
"Ezra. Ezra Gabriel Wood. " said the boy as he disappeared through the window.
Isabelle gulped. Isabelle took out her phone immediately and searched for her brother in her contacts. Just then she stopped.
I really need to ask my brother for his number the next time I see him.
She off her phone and quickly changed into her clothes. She ran downstairs.

"Dude are you okay?" asked Zach , looking at Isabelle.
"What?Your sister can't run like a lunatic downstairs can she?" asked Isabelle with an evil grin.
"Whatever ...mum is waiting for you. Let's go" said Zach as he pulled Isabelle .
Isabelle joined the others for dinner and they all ate.

An hour later....
Isabelle helped Mrs Foster with the dishes. When she was done with it she went straight upstairs. She had to sleep.
I have to talk about Sebastian about this dead guy who broke in to my room...ok that's creepier when I said it
Isabelle brushed her teeth and went to bed.

A few hours later


5.30 a.m.

"Isabelle" someone whispered
"Isabelle" someone whispered a bit louder than the first time
"ISAAAABEEEELLLLEE" this time he shouted.
Isabelle woke up in a start.
She looked at the person who woke her up.
"OH my god!! DAMN SEBASTIAN YOU DONT GO AROUND TO A GIRL'S BEDROOM AND WAKE HER UP AT 5.30 IN THE FREAKING MORNING." Yelled Isabelle feeling completely frustrated.
"Darn someone's not a morning person." said Sebastian with a smirk.
"What are you even doing here? It's like my midnight right now. I don't get up till like...6.45" said Isabelle.
"Duh I did tell you we're going to start your training today didn't I ?" said Sebastian.
"I know but I thought you meant it like after school or something ..." said Isabelle as she stretched her arms.
"Nope right now" said Sebastian as he carried his sister out of bed.
"Hey-hey!! I can walk you know." said Isabelle.
Sebastian rolled his eyes at her.
"What if my mum looks for me?" asked Isabelle .
"The training will just take an hour OH god just say..that you went for jogging or something" said Sebastian.
The both of them walked out slowly from the window.

Sebastian brought her to this old shed.
"We're going to train here?.." said Isabelle as she pointed towards the shed. She felt a bit disgusted. She couldn't help it.

"Hey do not judge a book by its cover okay?" said Sebastian as he led her through the door.
"Oh my god" Isabelle gasped.
Even though the outside of the shed was so old and creepy but the inside was so beautiful. It was filled with modern weapons, beautiful furnitures and a fireplace.
"Wow this could be an awesome hangout place." said Isabelle." this where you live now...?"
"Yep it's comfortable was a bit old-looking when I first got here so I did a bit of some touch-up. " said Sebastian confidently.
"Not bad ahaha " said Isabelle with a giggle.

"Ok shall we begin with our lesson?" asked Sebastian.
"Yes we shall." said Isabelle." Oh yeah by the way what's your phone number?"


Hey guys so this is the end of the chapter. I'm really sorry that I didn't update the chapters for the past two days. It was Christmas so I didn't have the time. Anyways how was everyone's Christmas? Hope it was great like mine.Please don't forget to vote and comment for suggestions.Most importantly, enjoy the story guys it's the main reason I made this story. Love Cally💋

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