Chapter 23

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Empty. Blank. White. Those were the only things running around in Isabelle's brain. She's scared to death about Brandon's idea. She's also scared of Ezra's father's plan to kill all of them because he hasn't got a clue that he's son is still alive.
It was like a stupid game that Zach used to play in his XBOX but this time it's playing a part in Isabelle's life.

The next morning Isabelle woke up,feeling a light headache.
She wore her bathrobe,walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth and had a long relaxing shower.
It was about 7.30 a.m.
Isabelle put on a beautiful floral dress. It was her Christmas present from her aunt and uncle from Alabama.
She admired herself by looking at the mirror.

She admired herself by looking at the mirror

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'It's perfect' she thought.

She put on her lipgloss , took her school bag and went downstairs for breakfast.
Her foster mother, Mrs Foster was already downstairs, prepared with her breakfast.
Zach was sitting downstairs, in the hall playing with his XBOX as usual.
"Good morning mum!" Isabelle said as she kissed her mother lightly on her cheeks.
"Good morning honey! Slept well?" Mrs Foster asked. She probably noticed Isabelle's dark circles under her eyes. Even though Isabelle is a half vampire, she does need her sleep.
"Not really. I woke up with a headache." Isabelle said as she sat on the dining chair. She took a slice of bread and applied Nutella on it.
"Belle honey, your dad and I are going away for a few days for vacation in Hawaii...just the two of us." said Mrs Foster.
"Oh that's great!" Isabelle said as she took a huge bite on her bread and continued to listen to her mother.
"Hun..I know Sebastian is going to be living with us from today onwards ...I've hired a babysitter to take care of you and Zach for a few days while we're gone." said Mrs Foster.
"What? Mum! I'm too old for a babysitter! Cmon! Sebastian is old enough to take care us.
'Like legit old mum! He'd probably be like 50 but looks like a 17!' thought Isabelle.
"Isabelle we are not going to argue about this! You need to be surrounded by at least humans! I've asked our neighbour, Mrs Suzie to look after you three for 4 days." Mrs Foster explained to her daughter.
"Zach?!! A little help in here." said Isabelle.
Zach took his headphones off and looked at his sister.
"I tried sis! Believe me. When mum think it's the best, you know we can never persuade her." said Zach as he went back , playing with his game.
"You. Are. So. Useless. Young man!" said Isabelle.
"Fine. Let her babysit us, but she's not going to boss us around alright? We still have our freedom right?" Isabelle asked.

"Yeah okay." said Mrs Foster.
A few minutes later, Isabelle was done with her food.
"Mum do you need me to send Zach to school or..." Isabelle looked at her mum waiting for her to answer but her mum snapped before Isabelle could even finish her sentence." Thanks honey! That's really kind of you!"
Isabelle snorted playfully brushed her brother' hair with her hands.
"Get up lazy ass!" Isabelle said.
Zach looked at his sister with an annoyed look and got up. He took his bag which was lying on the sofa.


Isabelle took her car keys and started the car. She drove her brother to school .
About a few minutes later they reached at Zach's school.
"Is mum picking me up or is it going to be the other way round again?Because I'm not walking home from school again!" Zach protested.
Isabelle snorted because her little brother was so cute when he was arguing.
"Why are you laughing for?" Zach asked.
"Nothing. Alright I'll talk to mum about that." said Isabelle.
"Thanks. Hey stay safe in school okay?" said Zach.
"Aren't I suppose to be telling you that? " said Isabelle.
"Well you're the one dealing with creepy, scary vampires and a psychopath name Ezra who wants your blood." Zach explained to his sister.
"Thanks. That makes my life more normal Zach." Isabelle said with a slight sarcasm in her tone.
"Okay that's not helping isn't it?" asked Zach.
"Nope! What'd ya think? okay well you better head to your school hall now.Bye bro." said Isabelle.
"Bye." said Zach as he hugged his sister and walked out of the car.
Isabelle smiled as she watched her brother walked to his school.

Isabelle continued to drive to her school.
As soon as she reached her school, she locked her car and walked to the school hallways.
She pushed the doors and walked straight to her locker.
"Izzy!you actually came!" said a familiar voice.
"Hi!" said Isabelle.
" You seem a bit cheerful today. Not to mention that dress you're wearing is filled with flowers. You're ruining the reputation as a vampire sis!" said Sebastian.
"Hey for your information I'm a half Vampire!" Isabelle said.
"Well you look good!" said Sebastian.
Just then she felt a light touch on her shoulder.
She turned around and saw Brandon was standing behind with a smile on his face.
"Hey!" said Isabelle.
"Hi." said Brandon
''I almost forgot that Brandon and I have a plan that we' re keeping it as a secret from Sebastian." Thought Isabelle.
"Sebastiaaaaaan?!" a girl's voice called.
The three of them looked behind. Maddie was walking towards them. Her perfect face. Perfect hair. Perfect makeup. Perfect clothes. Everything was just perfect about her.
She was too perfect till Isabelle wanted to puke. How could anyone be that perfect?but Maddie was. Still is.

When Maddie stood beside them, she gave a friendly smile to Isabelle and Brandon and shift her attention to Sebastian.
"Hey Sebastian! It's my birthday this Saturday so I'm having a party at my place. It's just a small one. Just thought I'd invite you!" said Maddie.
Just then she turned to Isabelle's and Brandon's direction and said "You're  invited too!"

Isabelle gave her a warm smile even though she felt like screaming.
"Thanks Maddie. How kind of you." Sebastian said.
Maddie blushed and flipped her hair. She was basically flirting with Sebastian.
A few minutes later, when Maddie was gone Isabelle looked at her brother.
"What?" asked Sebastian.
"What on earth was that?" asked Isabelle. She imitated what Maddie did by flipping her hair.
"Gross!" said Isabelle.
"Grow up!" said Sebastian with a smirk on his face and he walked away.


So guys that's it for today's chapter. I hope you guys loved it. I'm sorry for not uploading this chapter a long time ago. I'm going to be even busier than before but I'll try to make time for this story because this story is my whole life and I feel this story needs to be told out to the world.
Thank you guys for over 600 readers. I love you guys so much. Hope you continue this amazing journey with me. Don't forget to vote guys. Love, Cally💋

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