Chapter 14

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Isabelle drove Zach to school.
A few minutes later they reached at Zach's school.

"Wait what time should I pick you up?" asked Isabelle before he got out of the car.
"I've got things to probably 5 in the evening. " said Zach.
"Wow that's quite late. Don't you go back home like before that?" asked Isabelle.
"Just pick me up or I can just walk home" said Zach feeling slightly annoyed.
"Alright, alright!" said Isabelle." I'll pick you up then."
Zach nodded and got out of the car and walked to his school.
Isabelle sighed.
"He's up to something!"
Isabelle drove to her school.
She parked her car on her normal spot and locked her car.

Isabelle carried her bag to her side and walked to the hallways of her school.
She went to her locker and took out her books for her next class.
Just then she spotted her brother , Sebastian on the other side of the hallway.
He was talking with Brandon. More like a serious conversation.
Isabelle decided not to interrupt them so she shut her locker door and walked to her class.
Just then she realised she had Physics . The only class she has with Brandon.

She walked in the class and sat at her normal seat where she usually sits.
She was a genius in Physics. It was one of her favourite subjects.

She took out her phone and started checking something in google about vampires.
"Google is just exaggerating about Vampires. Not all of them have golden eyes. Sheesh.Brandon has beautiful green eyes. Not that I care. Oh snap out of it Belle."

She put down her phone and waited patiently for the other students to come in.
Brandon walked in and scooted next to her.
"Hey you" said Brandon with a grin on his face.
Isabelle couldn't help herself from blushing.
"Hi" said Isabelle.
"So are you doing anything after school?" asked Brandon.
"Well I don't think so. I have to fetch my brother. Not Sebastian ..Zach from school." said Isabelle.
"How about after that?" asked Brandon.
"Why? I'm not sure though. I might have to practice fighting. So I won't be that pressured for tomorrow's training with Sebastian. " said Isabelle.
"It's okay then.." said Brandon as he smile on his face faded.
Isabelle knew where this was going but she didn't want any distraction after finding out there's some weirdos out there who's trying to kill her.
Isabelle nodded at him and looked back in front.
The teacher walked in the lab.
" Good Morning class. Please open your textbooks to page 130." said Mrs Melissa.
Everyone did as what she has told.
Isabelle couldn't concentrate the voices were becoming more intense on her head. She felt like any moment her head could actually explode.She couldn't take it.
Isabelle raised her hand.
"Yes Miss Foster?" asked Mrs Melissa.
"May I use the loo?" asked Isabelle as she placed her hand on her head because it was aching so bad.
"Yes,you may.Are you alright Miss Foster? Do you want to go to the nurse's office?" asked Mrs Melissa.
Brandon looked Isabelle.
"I'll help her to go to the nurse's office. She could faint! " said Brandon.
"That would be very kind of you" said Mrs Melissa to Brandon.
Brandon nodded and took Isabelle's hand gently and led her out of the lab.
Brandon made Isabelle sat on one of the benches.
" How bad is it?" asked Brandon.
"It's bad" replied Isabelle.
"You do know vampires can block voices from entering their minds but since you're a half vampire , I'm not sure that's possible. " said Brandon.
"Maybe Sebastian knows what to do." said Isabelle.
"Would you like me to get him?" asked Brandon.
"Yeah . I have a feeling he knows about this." said Isabelle.
"Alright I'll call him." said Brandon.
"That's not necessary" said a voice.
The both of them looked at the guy who said it.
"How did you know?"asked Isabelle.
"I could feel your weakness and your voices in your head that you're having trouble with. "said Sebastian.
"How do you deal with it? Brandon said he's not sure whether a half vampire could block voices from their minds." said Isabelle.
"Well we could try. There's no harm in that" said Sebastian.
Isabelle nodded.
"I want you to close your eyes and just clear your mind. I'll try something just for the timing." said Sebastian.
Isabelle sat calmly and closed her eyes.
She felt a slight touch on her temples. She suddenly felt the voices in her head slowly fading. Just then it was quiet. It was finally quiet.
Isabelle opened her eyes.
"How did you do that?" asked Isabelle.
"Well I'll teach you that soon. For now don't try to think about those voices again or else it's going to be easier for them to get back into your head again." explained Sebastian.
"Oh okay.Thanks" said Isabelle.
"Anytime" said Sebastian.
"We should get back to our class before she sends someone to check on us" said Brandon.
"Oh god I know right. I'll see you in lunchtime then." said Isabelle to Sebastian.
"Take care of yourself Izzy" said Sebastian.
" I will." said Isabelle with a bold smile on her face.
Isabelle and Brandon walked back to class.
"Is everything alright Miss Foster ?" asked Mrs Melissa.
"Oh everything is okay. Thanks for asking." said Isabelle as sue had Brandon sat.
The teacher continued to teach them.


Hey guys so finally I updated it. I'm so terribly sorry that I didn't have the time to update it for the past few weeks. Anyways hope you guys like it. Please don't forget to vote and comment guys. You know it will mean so much to me✨❤️. Love Cally💋.

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