Chapter 24

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School was usual. The boring atmosphere. People were walking to their classes. Isabelle on the other hand ,just wanted to slow things down.
She just wanted to understand the world that was orbiting around her.
Isabelle got invited to Maddie's party only because her brother was invited and Maddie had to invite Isabelle so she'll look like a nice and good person around Sebastian.

8.30 a.m.
Isabelle was seated next to Brandon. It was her favourite class, Literature. It's an extra class that Isabelle decided to take up just to keep her occupied.
Mrs Melissa was explaining about a plot for Great Expectations.

'If I hear any more words coming out from her mouth I swear to God I'm going to be snoring soon'

Isabelle stopped thinking when she realised Brandon was staring at her with smirk plastered on his face.
Isabelle smiled at him and looked in front.

About 50 minutes later....

Isabelle and Brandon walked out of class.
"So ..are you going to Maddie's party?"Brandon asked as Isabelle was putting her books in her locker.
"Nah. I'll definitely pass. Partying is not    in my 'DO-It- list." said Isabelle.
"Plus she only invited us just to be the little miss angel in front of my brother."
Isabelle slammed the door and continued to walk.
"I pity that locker door of yours." Brandon said as he followed Isabelle.
"So Belle..about the plan.." Brandon started.
"No.Not now Brandon. Can we talk somewhere else? Sebastian can hear us. " Isabelle whispered.
"Sebastian can hear what?"said a voice that made the two of them startled.
"Uh-you know your birthday. Great now it's not a suprise anymore." Isabelle said as she elbowed Brandon to make up something real quick.
"Oh yeah. What a bummer." Brandon said as he looked down at the ground.
"My birthday is not until like what?...7 more months?" Sebastian said, feeling slightly confused.
"EXACTLY and you're my favourite brother !! So we want to plan something really special for you...right Brandon?" Isabelle asked.
"Yeah yeah!!"
Sebastian stared at them for a moment.
"I'm not buying it. Spit it out what's going on?" asked Sebastian.
"How are you so good at this?"Isabelle asked.
Isabelle kept on walking.
"Are you going to tell me or do you want me to find out about this by myself?"Sebastian asked his sister.
"Um Brandon shall tell you, I gotta pee." Isabelle said as she walked off fast away from the two of them.
"Gee thanks Belle." Brandon muttered.
Brandon looked at Sebastian. He was waiting for Brandon's reply.
"Uh-I got um...Bio class to go to...we'll talk on lunch ya?" Brandon said as he ran off.

Sebastian just stood there feeling confused.


When school was over, Isabelle and Brandon walked to school together so they had to walk back home too since neither of them brought their car to school.

"So what are we going to do about Ezra?" Isabelle asked.
"To be honest, I don't know. I'm just hoping everything will be fine. I've got a few people I know who will take care about this." Brandon said.
Isabelle looked at him as if she's trying to read his facial expressions.

"Yo...guys...wait....up...."Maddie said as she run up to the both of them.

"What are you doing here?" Isabelle asked as she shot Maddie with an annoyed look.
"Have you guys seen Sebastian?" Maddie asked and completely ignoring Isabelle's question.
"What? wasn't he with you?" Isabelle asked.
"Well yes and after that he said he needed to use to toilet and 30 minutes later he didn't come out." Maddie said.

"What?"Isabelle gasped.
"Hey think positive he probably tried escaping from Maddie or something. He must be around here somewhere." Brandon said as he put his arm around Isabelle's shoulder.
"Excuse me? What's that suppose to mean?" Maddie asked, feeling very offended.

"Nothing. Let's just find Sebastian." Isabelle said while giving Brandon a stern look as if she's saying 'stop messing with her you're making it only worse'

"Where on earth will Sebastian be at this time?"Maddie asked.

Isabelle thought she knew where he might be.
"Ah there's that look again? I assume you have a good guess where he is?" Brandon asked.
"I think so but...Um Maddie I don't think so you can come with us..." Isabelle said.
"What? WHY NOT?" Maddie asked with an annoyed and anger in her tone.
Isabelle looked at Brandon, giving him a 'back-me-up' look.
"Oh yeah Maddie I think he's in a bad mood. You don't want to see the bad side of him and I think he doesn't want you to see the bad side of him too ..." Brandon said.
"Aww he's sweet! Alright make sure he's safe. Call me or text me when you find him." Maddie said.
Meanwhile, Isabelle was doing her puking face behind them. She couldn't stand Maddie. She doesn't even know why but she doesn't like her at all.

"Okay. See you around Maddie." Brandon said as he pulled Isabelle's hand to walk with him.
"Thanks for that backup. I can't stand he. She's sooo....agh dramatic." Isabelle said.
"She? Dramatic?Isabelle I think you're the dramatic one here no offense ."Brandon said.
"You take that back. I'm not dramatic. " Isabelle defended herself.
"The people who don't admit that they're dramatic ...they're the real ones Belle." Brandon said with a smirk.

"Okay whatever. Let's just find Sebastian." Isabelle said.
"Do you really know where he is?" Brandon asked her.
"I think so. I hope I'm right and I really hope he's okay. It's kind of worrying that he just went off like that when Ezra is around us." Isabelle said as she put her hands on her head and rubbed her temples.

"Hey he'll be alright. Cmon it's Sebastian we're talking about. He's always safe." Brandon said.

Isabelle smiled and they continued to walk.

A few minutes later.....
They arrived at an old shed where Sebastian taught Isabelle how to fight.
"This is where he stays?" Brandon asked.
"Not now. He's staying with me." Isabelle said as she pushed the door gently inside.
They both gasped and felt a huge wave of relieved when they saw Sebastian who was wearing his same clothes when he left from school. He was sitting on the chair with one foot on the table and smoking. Isabelle couldn't believe her eyes. He was actually smoking.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Isabelle shouted but not too loud
"And what on earth is this you're doing? Smoking?For goodness sake what is wrong with you? Do you know how worried Maddie was?" Isabelle asked as tears filled her eyes.
"Do you know how worried I was?" Isabelle finally whispered.
Brandon walked over to her and rub her shoulders lightly to comfort her.
"What are you doing here man?" Brandon asked.
"Relaxing. Like I said before I asked you both what were you two talking about? Do you think I'm that stupid to not find out about Ezra? That whole useless plan you both were planning? You idiots can get yourself killed!" Sebastian shouted as he threw his cigarette and stepped on it.

Sebastian walked around the shed and he took one of the dagger.
"Isabelle we are vampires. At least I am. Brandon is. You're a half vampire. You've got the advantages and disadvantages. I told you my job is to protect you!" Sebastian said.

"I know but.."
"No buts...Isabelle your mother has been dying to meet you! In order for that to happen you need to be freakin alive." Sebastian said.
"Why didn't you tell me? Brandon I trusted you the most. You could have told me! I would have handled it myself and finish him off once in for all."

"I'm sorry I just...we always know you're there for us and you're always fighting for us...we thought we could handle this ourselves." Brandon said.

Sebastian threw his dagger at the wall.
"Sebastian come back home." Isabelle said.
"I will after Ezra dies." Sebastian said.
"Sebastian stop being stubborn and come home. We can do this together we'll plan this out and properly teach him a lesson." Isabelle said.
Sebastian laughed an evil laugh.
"Teach him a lesson? What are you five? I want to kill him Izzy. He deserves to die more than anyone else in the world. He's the reason innocent vampires are getting killed. Don't argue with me Izzy. Brandon take her home and both of you don't you dare go and mess with Ezra." Sebastian said.

Isabelle and Brandon looked at him.
They knew they cant argue with him anymore. They walked out of the shed. Before that Isabelle ran to Sebastian and hugged him.
"Take care." She said.


So guys I'm so so sorry that I haven't updated this in a long time. But here it is finally the chapter is uploaded. Hope y'all like this one. Please vote and comment for suggestions.

New note to my readers: There's a new story coming soon. Stay tune for more update about this. Have a great week ahead .

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