Chapter 28

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Sebastian and Valeric waited for Ezra's arrival. It was the day that everything was about to change. No more war. No more fighting.Just peace.

Meanwhile back in Chicago, Jake was no where to be seen. Isabelle was really curious about his disappearance. She knew that she should not think of him because he was finally not disturbing her.

But what if his disappearance had something to do with my brother's safety.Maybe he is in trouble!Nah,it's Sebastian. He can take care of himself right?. Wrong.

Isabelle could not stand it. She wanted to know where her brother was and why he did not tell her anything.
She kept pacing around her room. Looking out of her window and back to her desk. She kept thinking whether she should go out to look for her brother. But what could she possibly tell her parents? Like oh my brother is fighting our main enemy and the reason all the vampires are mostly perished.
She let out a long sigh and went over to her closet to grab her grey sweater. She headed out and told her mum that she wanted to get some fresh air even though the excuse was not logical because her mum knows that she hates morning walk.

She took her car and went out for a ride. More of tracking down Jake so she could get information about her brother.
A few minutes later, she spotted a guy with a black leather jacket talking on the phone.
She parked her car and walked slowly to where he was standing. She hit behind a tree and used her hearing skills to find out what he was talking about.
'Jeremy! Dude I told you specifically that Ezra should not know about the plan ! '
Isabelle heard him talking about Sebastian and something to do with Ezra. But what was it? Did they finally got a way to capture him? Isabelle's mind started to go crazy. She needed to follow him. But she couldn't do it with her car because Jake would suspect her so she sneaked into his car while he was talking on the phone.

When Jake was finally done talking, he drove his car quickly to the location where Ezra was captured. Isabelle heard noises that were unfamiliar. Voices that she felt like she had heard before but she just couldn't put a finger on it .
Jake got out of the car and grabbed Ezra as if he was a toy. Ezra looked so defeated but his eyes were raging with anger.
"What do you want Jake? I didn't know you volunteer these days....just for a teenage girl's happiness.." Ezra said as a smirk appeared on his face.
Isabelle was confused. She was more than confused.
What teenage girl?
She ignored what she heard and continued to listen to their conversation.
"Shut up Ezra, everything is going to be over now. You're sweet revenge that you've been dreaming about... guess what? It'll never happen!"Jake said with a smirk.
Wait...what's happening?
"What are you talking about?" Ezra asked cluelessly.
"Oh, you'll find out soon enough. Now come on." Jake pushed him in the front seat next to him and drove off to some woods.
Isabelle stayed quietly at her position not knowing what could happen next.
But she was prepared.
Once they reached the woods, Jake got out and saw Sebastian and Valerie.
"Ah Valeric, it's been a while since we've met." Jake said.
Sebastian's smile faded and asked Jake to bring out Ezra.
Jake went to the front seat and pushed Ezra out. He fell hard on the ground.
The expression on Valeric face became shocked. Betrayed by his own son.
"Dad...I can explain." Ezra begin.
"I thought you were dead all this while. You're actually alive!" Valeric exclaimed and ran to his son to give him a hug.
"I'm so glad to see you!"
"Great now is the killing or war finally over?" Sebastian asked.
Ezra looked at his father and grinned at Sebastian.
"Honestly, did you actually think I would not kill you after you prove to me that my son is alive?" Valeric said.
"You fool."
Sebastian didn't know what to do. He was utterly shock. He had a deep feeling that this was going to happen. That Valeric will not change even after he gets his son back.
Isabelle couldn't stand staying at the position so she got out of the car and everyone stared at her.
"Isabelle." Sebastian gasped.
"I'm sorry but I had to find you." Isabelle said.
"So this is the famous Isabelle I've been hearing about." Valeric said.
"Get out of here Izzy." Sebastian said

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