Chapter 1

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Kimberley's POV

"The school day is 9am until 3:30pm, you will be expected to be in form with your form tutor from 9 till 9:20 and then your lessons will start. There is a break at 11:15 to 11:30 and lunch is 12:30 until 1:30."

I automatically nod along to whatever Mrs Marks is saying, I'm not really listening but I know I have to be polite.

Mrs Marks is the head teacher of the new school that me, my brother Adam and my sister Amy are starting at today.

My family had to move to Newcastle for my dad's new job which meant we had to start all over again at a new school.

To be quite honest I was terrified.

I've always hated the attention being on me and now I know it will be.

Plus in the past I've not exactly been popular, I had a few friends but that's all I really wanted. My parents said I can make new friends now that I'm going to a new school but that's easier said than done.

Mrs Marks had continued to speak about what happens on a daily basis at the school and is interrupted when someone comes barging through the door in her office.

Amy, Adam and I all turn quickly in shock and are met by a girl staring back at us.

The first thing that hits me is how pretty she is but I don't have time to see her for long as Mrs Marks stands up.

"Miss Tweedy get back outside until I call you in!"

I've only seen her for a few seconds and I can already tell she's annoyed at something. "Urgh fine!"

She storms out the office slamming the dorm behind her leaving me momentarily shocked at what we've just witnessed but Mrs Marks carries on like it's something she sees on a daily basis.

She doesn't even bother sitting back down, instead she picks up some pieces of paper off her desk and passes them out to us.

"Here's your timetables."

We all mumble a thanks in reply.

"I hope you enjoy being here and if you have any problems just let us know. If you come with me I'll take you all to your form rooms."

We all stand up and follow the head teacher out of her office, Amy stands close to me as I know she's still nervous but Adam strolls ahead like he does this every day.

The girl that had burst into the office is sat on one of the chairs outside the office not looking happy, you can clearly tell that she doesn't want to be here.

She's slouched on her chair twirling her long, brunette hair around her finger. Her uniform fits her perfectly unlike mine, her t-shirt is almost skin tight with her tie loosely knotted around her neck, her blazer is the same, small and tight complimenting her figure. I feel slightly self conscious in my big blazer that my mum promised I'd grow into.

I am however in a skirt, tight like hers but mine stops just above my knees while hers does not. She's sat with her legs apart and she doesn't seem like she cares that she's in a short skirt that has risen high up her thighs.

I didn't really get a chance to see her earlier and it's only now I notice how pretty she is, her brunette hair is curled to perfection and it ends around her ribs. She's got just the right amount of make up on to make it look natural and I suddenly regret not putting any make up on this morning, we weren't allowed to wear any at my last school so I assumed it would be the same here.

I grip my bag tighter as I notice that she's also looking at me, she runs her eyes over my body making me feel self conscious.

Our eyes meet as I hear Mrs Marks voice. "Miss Tweedy please go and wait in my office and I'll be back in a minute."

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