Chapter 6

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Kimberley's POV

I start to wake up as I feel Amy stirring in my arms, it's nothing I'm not used to, she's always been a very fidgety sleeper.

She settles back into me, her arm still laying across my stomach and she seems to still be in a deep sleep.

Lucky for her.

I open my eyes to see more sunlight in the room than I expected, it must be later than I thought it was.

I lift my head up to see my alarm clock.


I'm quite impressed we've managed to sleep this long without someone coming to wake us up, but then again I suppose it is Sunday and we never do anything on a Sunday.

I stretch out my legs trying my hardest not to move Amy too much, if she's still asleep now then she obviously needs the sleep.

I'm surprised that I don't feel worse, my throat is a little sore but my head doesn't hurt at all and I wonder how Nicola is feeling this morning.

I pick up my phone planning on texting Nicola but I see I already have two messages from both Nicola and Sarah. As I open the message up I realise they've made a group chat so we can all talk.

The first message is one from Nicola complaining about her head and there's a reply from Sarah calling her a lightweight and saying that she is feeling fine.

I reply telling them I'm feeling fine too before putting my phone back on my bedside table.

As much as I want to I know I can't spend the whole day in bed and I know that if I don't move now then I'll never move so I make the decision to get out of my bed and leave Amy here until she wakes up.

I carefully move my arm from underneath Amy and slip out of bed as quietly as I can not wanting to wake her.

I'm about to leave my room to get a drink when I feel the cold air hit me.

I'm still in the shorts and t-shirt I wore for bed so I get my zip up hoodie from the back of my chair.

This hoodie is my favourite, I wear it as much as I can, I was part of a drama academy back in Bradford and we had all got hoodies with our names on the back after our last show and I love wearing it because it reminds me of all the fun times I had there.

I leave my room, quietly closing the door behind me so I don't wake Amy and make my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

So far I haven't seen anyone else but I can hear someone moving around upstairs.

Someone's left a few boxes of cereal out on the side with a bowl and spoon but I'm not feeling it.

I'm not hungry so I decide to skip breakfast and just have a drink instead.

As I'm filling up a glass of water Sally enters the kitchen.

Unlike me she looks completely ready for the day, she's dressed, got make up on and I'm stood here still in my pjs with bed hair.

We both laugh, I'm laughing at how different we're both looking and I assume she's laughing at the same thing.

She sits down at the table in the kitchen and I join her.

She was sleeping out at a friends last night so I didn't expect to see her back this early. "When did you get back?"

"About an hour ago, I'm going out again though in a minute."

"I guessed." I gesture to her outfit and she seems to get what I mean.

"Did you have a good night?" This family does make me laugh sometimes, just like I act like Amy's mum, Sally does sometimes act like my mum. I suppose that's just older sisters for you.

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